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Insurance follows the car. Your roommates insurance will cover the damage providing that he has "collision" coverage.

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Q: If you are driving your roommates car and damage it in your driveway whose insurance covers it?
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Who covers an accident when it happens in your driveway homeowners or auto insurance?

Auto insurance.

Does homeowners insurance cover hail damage to your car in the driveway?

No, Homeowners Insurance covers houses.Auto insurance covers cars.Answerno, autos are not covered under the homeowners - contact auto comprehensive insurer

Does homeowner insurance cover other people cars that get vandalized in your driveway?

NO, Homeowners Insurance covers Homes. Auto Insurance covers cars. Home insurance polices do not provide coverage for personal auto regardless of who owns them or where they are parked.

Your friends basketball goal fell on your car when it was parked in her driveway which policy covers the damage?

Auto insurance

Will insurance pay if driver drinking?

No. No kind of insurance covers drunk driving.

If you have an accident driving your friends car who insurance covers?

typcially , ''insurance stays with the car'' meaning the insurance on the vehicle would be primary..........

If you drive your parents car but you don't live with them and you get in an accident will their insurance cover you?

Sometimes. Sometimes insurance covers whoever is driving a particular car, and sometimes insurance covers a driver no matter whose car they are driving (as long as they have the car owner's permission). You should probably check with your insurance company to be sure, or have your parents call and ask them.

Does homeowners insurance cover vandalism to your car in the driveway?

No it does not. Homeowners insurance covers your home, property and liability excluding your auto. Your auto comprehensive coverage will protect you for fire, theft, striking an animal and....vandalism.

If I have full coverage insurance but the car I was driving only had liability insurance will my insurance pay for damages?

Yes I think so since you were the driver. The insurance covers the driver and not necessarily the car.

What insurance covers medical bills in an accident where someone not on the cars insurance was driving and wrecked?

The un-insured driver will have to turn to their health insurance company for coverage if he carried no auto insurance.

What type of insurance do you need if you use your own car to instruct a new driver as an employee of a driving school?

If not covered by the school itself, you need insurance that covers "business" in addition to "pleasure" use. Also, you will need insurance that covers additional drivers.

If you are driving your friend car and you get in an accident would the insurance cover the claim?

Only if the insurance covers more than one driver. Check the policy.