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More than likely the driver of the car would be held responsible. Obviously the owner could not give permission for the car to be driven. This is a situation that can become very complicated and costly. Consulting an attorney would be the best course of action.

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Q: If you are driving your deceased father's car can his estate be held liable if you wreck the vehicle?
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How do you transfer vehicle title when owner deceased and no will?

You open an estate. That is the purpose for the estate, to transfer property and resolve the debts of the deceased.

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Not at all.

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If your father is deceased, it is a refusal to accept any proceeds.

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Generally the insurance company who was the company for the deceased will continue to be the insurance company for the estate of the insured as long as the administrator is honest with the agent and lists any and all possible drivers on the policy if they might be driving the vehicle.

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You can certainly request that it be your share of the estate. There is no specific right to the property.

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Your father's estate is responsible for his debts. If he owned any assets when he died his estate must be probated. You should speak with an attorney.

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Not unless they co-signed for the loans or credit cards. The estate is responsible for the debts.

What does a person do as the executor of an estate when they cannot find the pink slip of a car owned by the deceased?

The executor of the estate would need to apply for a lost title at the motor vehicle office in which the deceased lived or the car was registered.

What if the owner of a vehicle is now deceased?

That vehicle will go to whoever that person willed it to. If no one was willed for it then it will go to the next of kin or whoever is taking over the estate.

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The parent's estate is responsible for the loans. If there are no cash assets to pay the loans the lenders will take the property such as real estate or a vehicle.

Can a deceased person in Texas be sued for the return of a leased vehicle?

Yes, the estate can be required to return a leased vehicle according to the terms of the lease. If you read the fine print, it's there. Do you think that the vehicle should remain the property of the estate when it was only leased in the first place? That's the idea of a lease, the vehicle belongs to the leasing company and they let you use the vehicle for the terms of the lease. The terms of the lease are defined in the contract. If the estate of the deceased has been sued, I'm sure it is consistent with the terms of the contract.

How do you obtain a vehicle title in your name if you found a car and the owner is deceased and there was no exeutive of estate because the only child did not know about the car which was out of state?

You have to find out who the executor of the estate is. They should be able to sell you the vehicle and sign the title over to you.