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If the other person is to blame sooo i say yes the other should pay he was At Fault end of story and of discussion

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Q: If the other driver is at fault should you allow their insurance company handle the claim?
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What if the driver at fault will not call their insurance company to report the accident?

If the other party is refusing to call their insurance company - then you should call their insurance company and file the claim.

I got into a minor accident and I was at fault. The other driver had my information and will file with my insurance company. Anything I need to do?

You should contact your insurance company and let them know. Your insurance company should take care of the rest.

When to get car insurance for new child driver?

Check with your Insurance Agent/Company to be specific. Definately as soon as they receive their license. At the very least, the insurance company should be aware of the new driver as soon as they get their permit.

What happens when a uninsured driver hit someone?

What happens when an insured driver hits someone depends on the state you live in. In a no-fault state you present your claim to your insurance company for payment. In a tort state, you would sue the driver for compensation. If you have uninsured driver coverage, then your insurance company should cover you and/or your vehicle, up to a certain amount. You should check with your insurance company to be sure.

My car was hit and I have no insurance?

If you are not at fault, then you should contact the other driver's insurance company. You may need to involve a lawyer. You should also have insurance. You're an idiot not to.

What to do when an uninsured driver causes an accident?

Well assuming the driver wasn't taken to jail you do have legal rights. Contact an attorney to discuss your options pertaining to your specific case.

If you hit an unlicensed driver will your insurance pay for damages to his car?

This will depend on the type of insurance coverage. The insurance company can decide to go to court and argue that since the driver was uninsured, then they should not be liable for damages.

If you back in to someone and they say they will Handle with out the insurance company but need a week or so to get estaments what should I do?

Don't believe them. Call your insurance company and let them handle it. If you don't, you could end up paying for something that you are not even responsible for. And the people could come back through their insurance company later and get you to pay again. The best thing is to call your insurance company, that is what you pay for.

Can an auto injury attorney negotiate with the other person's insurance company to get them to settle?

An auto injury attorney can negotiate with with other person's insurance company to find the best solution to the accident. The insurance company should handle the situation, and provide the best outcome for you.

What if a person hit your car and totaled it but they don't have enough insurance covage what should you do?

You uninsured motorist coverage, if you have it should handle the gap. Otherwise, you can sue the driver that hit you for the difference.

If your insurance pays you for an auto accident and the insurance company for the driver who hit you do you have to return one check?

If the other company only gave you the deductible amount, then probably not. But if both paid you the full amount, then you should turn the other company's check to yours. If the larger check came from the other driver's insurance, I'd return the check from your own insurance company - you're entitled to the deductible amount, if you're not at fault.

What do you do if your being sued by a non-licensed driver?

The best thing to do would be to consult an attorney and file a countersuit against the unlicensed driver. You should also contact your insurance company, as you may have given them power of attorney for you in terms of automobile accidents when you signed your insurance contract, in which case your insurance company must sue for you.