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Yes. The guy who hit your car pays or his insurance covers it.

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Q: If someone else driving your car gets rear ended by another car does insurance cover your repairs?
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If you are driving someone else's car does your liability insurance pay repairs to the vehicle you are driving?

No, liability insurance is when there are injuries involved. If you are injured in an accident when someone else is driving your car, your liability insurance would cover your medical costs. Comprehensive and collision insurance on the car you were driving should pay for damages to the vehicle.

What are the risks of driving without insurance?

If you have an accident and you are driving without insurance then you will not be bale to get any help towards the repairs of the vehicle. If another vehicle is involved you will be liable to pay for the cost of that one as well. If someone is injured they may make a compensation claim for their injuries and you will have to pay for that as well. In some countries driving without insurance is illegal and so you could face criminal charges too.

If you were driving someone else car and ran into the back of another car whose insurance covers the victims of the hit car?

the persons who car you were driving

If someone is driving your car and you do not have them on your insurance and they get into accident are you covered?

Although it depends on your insurance, the driver is covered if driving with your permission.

Does your insurance policy follow you if driving someone elses car?

No, in the state of Mass where i am from, the insurance is covered for your car only. It will not follow you if you choose to drive another vehicle. You may want to check the state your are in if this is different, as they may have a different type of policy you can purchase that will cover you. With my experience, the only insurance you have is your health insurance if you are driving another persons vehicle.

Who has the cheapest auto insurance in Kansas for someone with a bad driving record?

The cheapest insurance in Kansas for someone with a bad driving record can be found at and you can also compare rates with other car insurance companies

What happens if you have insurance and you get hit by someone driving down the right shoulder of the road?

What happens if you have insurance and you get hit by someone driving fast down the shoulder of the road in Texas and they hit you?

If you hit someone in an accident does your insurance pay for the repairs?

If you hit someone in a car accident and you have auto insurance even if they don't your insurance will cover repairing both automobiles.This is why you carry insurance. You will not be charged anything for the repairs to the other persons automobile.It is always best to let the insurance pay for it! It beats the other party suing you, that can get ral ugly and make your insurance go way up if you loose.

Who is responsible for damages if you are not insured driving someone else vehichle?

The driver is always responsible. It is the drivers obligation to verify insurance before getting behind the wheel. If you have insurance on another vehicle you may have some liability insurance covering YOU when you get in someone else's vehicle. Check with your agent.

Do you need to contact your insurance if someone hit your parked car?

Yes, alternatively you could pay for the repairs yourself.

What if someone hits you and its not his car and there are no insurance on the vehicle?

His liability insurance on his car should transfer to the vehicle that he is driving.

Who is responsible if a 16-year-old driving someone else's car hit and severely damaged your vehicle which was legally parked?

It depends.... If the girl that hit your car has car insurance that covers her while driving another persons vehicle, go after her and her insurance company. But if not, go after the owner of the vehicle, they are responsible for the vehicle at all times. The insurance company doesnt care who is driving.