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It really depends on her driving history and a few various things. You can call and ask before you make the change to determine the rate change.

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Q: If my Mom is listed as an excluded driver on my policy because she didn't have a license when I got the Insurance but does now will my premiums go up If I add her because she was once excluded?
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How do you get insurance if a parent who has no license buys your car?

Progressive Insurance can write a policy for you and your parent, but the parent is excluded as a driver because they do not have a license.

Does a suspended license affect car insurance premiums?


If you got a 12 hour license suspension will your insurance go up?

Any suspended license charge, regardless of the time limit will increase insurance premiums.

Can you be on someone insurance policy with a suspended license as a non driver?

Most insurance companies allow household members can be excluded if their drivers license is suspended. By signing an exclusion form this means that there is no coverage at all if the excluded person is driving one of the covered vehicles and a claim occurs.

How can an insurance company cancel your insurance due to a family member not on any of your policy's having their license suspended?

The family member needs be excluded to keep your insurance in effect.

You live in South Africa and you want to know if its possible to buy a car with only a learners licence and what about getting insurance?

To legally buy a vehicle in South Africa, you do need a full driver's license. No insurance company will offer insurance to a learner driver, and once you do have a license, your premiums are higher until you are 25yrs old. To legally buy a vehicle in South Africa, you do need a full driver's license. No insurance company will offer insurance to a learner driver, and once you do have a license, your premiums are higher until you are 25yrs old.

Can a named insured be an excluded driver on an automobile liability insurance policy in Arizona?

Yes as long as the named insured is not a spouse, or if the spouse does not drive and does not have a drivers license the spouse can also be excluded.

Can you sell auto insurance with suspended license?

With a suspended insurance license, I would not because you will be breaking a law. With a suspended drivers license you can sell insurance.

How will a 3-point careless driving ticket for a 17 year old in Michigan affect car insurance rates his driver's license?

it will defiantly affect the premiums and depending on the insurance company they might drop him.

Do insurance premiums go up if you take driving class?

If its a mandatory class (tickets, DUI, etc.) then yes. But if your trying to get your license then it actually goes down

If you are taken off your insurance policy do you have to surrender your license?

no because you will get another insurance

What happens if you have auto insurance but no drivers licnese and you get into an accident that is not your fault will the person at fault insurance still take care of the damages to your car?

You get a ticket and your insurance goes up. You can not drive without a license and if you cost the insurance company money they raise your premiums especially if you get a ticket