Any suspended license charge, regardless of the time limit will increase insurance premiums.
you got to jail for not having insurance or a vaild license and you are personally liable for all the damages you caused.
File a police report, they will trace for you.
uda unlawfull driving auto. no insurance.
A Virgina speeding ticket does transfer to your North Carolina driving record and may result in an insurance increase or suspension of your North Carolina license. If the speeding ticket is in excess of 15mph over the speed limit, it is an automatic suspension of your license. Normally, it is a good idea to contest every speeding ticket or at least be absolutely sure you know the consequences.
No. YOu need Motorcycle Insurance. Check out this site for more resources on Motorcycle Insurance.
It would cost a lot for someone that is sixteen years old and just got their driver's license. The best thing is to ask your insurance agent and see what he suggests.
if it was YOUR offence, YOUR license you showed, it will be YOUR problem with insurance, not your friend's.
Brian King is the best at fighting DUIs. He got my suspension thrown out and saved my drivers license...
You don't need to get insurance just because you got your license; it's not directly connected like that. If you have a valid license, and don't own a car, you could drive someone elses car that is insured by them. BUT you do need insurance to register a car and be legal. You would want insurance the day you buy and register a car.
Usually it is best to add them as a driver when they get the license. Until then you can notify your insurance company that they are a resident of the house.