The term "blown engine" usaully means the the engine is dead in which case you would not have any power. In the racing world the term "blown engine" could mean something else. A blown engine would be an engine that is super charged with a blower in which case you would have more power.
With a blown head gasket the engine will still run, poorly with issues, but run. A blown engine will not continue to run from that moment on.
Sure it will start with a blown head gasket. But, if you continue to run this engine with a blown head gasket you will destroy the engine.
Generally, engine problems such as a blown head gasket or warped head.
If it is cracked, the vehichle may be driveable, but if it's blown, there's not going to be any cylinder compression and the engine won't run.
Yes and no. It is not a separate fuse. The same fuses that power the engine computer also power the cruise system. So if the engine runs, it is not a blown fuse.
Either another blown hose, or blown radiator. It could also be the antifreeze burning off of the engine.
If you mean no electrical power then the computer couldn't give you a warning light because it has no power to operate. Common causes of lack of electrical power include a blown fusible link, a blown main relay ( not all cars have them ), a dead battery or a severe short.
you lose power and the engine dies... you lose power and the engine dies... Or you go no where very quickly! (for pictures of blown seals go to )
You'll still have electric power until the battery runs down. As for the engine, it depends on how it is blown. If it has a catastophic failure such as broken piston rods it won't turn over and run. If it is jambed in some way it won't run. Now if you have a cracked piston or a wrist pin about to fail or a bearing about to fail it may run for a short period of time before it completely lets go. If you have a blown head gasket it will start and run for awhile but it will overheat. So in some situations a blowm engine will run, just not for long.
If there is power to the aux connector and it still does not work, replace it with a new one.
it means it is equipped with a supercharger
A blown engine.