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Insurance follows the car, not the driver. So as long as the automobile is insured, so is the driver. Just make sure the driver has a valid driver's license.

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Q: If an uninsured driver with permission from an insured car's owner gets into an accident will insurance cover the other vehicle's damage?
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What actions can someone take if an uninsured driver hits them on the road?

If you are hit by an Uninsured Driver you should take the following actions- Contact the police, get information from and on any witnesses that saw the accident and get photographs of the vehicles and the accident scene. Another important step to take beforehand of the accident is to make sure you have Uninsured Motorist Insurance on your Car Policy.

If an unlicensed driver was involved in an accident in one of the vehicles on your auto insurance policy Will your insurance cover the charges?

Maybe. Did the unlicensed driver have your permission to be operating the car when the accident occurred? If so, maybe not.

What happens if an uninsured driver causes an accident in an insured car?

Vehicles are insured not drivers. If you are qualified and authorized to operate an auto the insurance on it will pay for it and any damage done by it.

Do you need to carry UIM on ALL vehicles you own?

UM/UIM policies are in case you are involved in an accident with a driver who doesn't have insurance or doesn't have enough. This policy is only in the event that the uninsured motorist is at fault for the accident. it is not necessary on all vehicles but it might be a good idea.

Will homeowners insurance cover the damages to a uninsured vehicle on the property?

No, homeowners insurance excludes vehicles.

What happens if you let a friend borrow your car that is uninsured but the friend has non-owners insurance and he gets into an accident that wasn't his fault?

almost all states require liability insurance. the fact that the friend had 'non owner' does not mean that it was ok to drive an uninsured vehicle. the law requires the vehicles, not the drivers, to be insured.

Who covers damages if the vehicles is uninsurred but the driver has his own insurance?

When a car is uninsured and it involved in an accident, the owner of the car is responsible for its damages and that of the other involved cars. This rule applies even if the driver has his own insurance cover on a different car.

Can your license be suspended if an auto accident involved your uninsured car driven by my son-in-law who's insurance excluded the car?

Doubt your license will be suspended his might, but you run a risk of losing your plates and any plates in your name, along with fines etc. This is a state specific thing. In my state, the owners of uninsured vehicles (if they were NOT the driver) lose their plates, and the uninsured driver loses their licence. Check with your states dept of insurance and they will be able to answer this.

How much does uninsured motorist insurance cost in New Jersey?

If you get into an accident in New Jersey and are not insured, it will cost you a substantial amount. The cost to repair the vehicle, pay the fines if responsible for the accident and possibly have to pay for some damages done to other vehicles or public property.

An insured driver is driving an uninsured vehicle that they own and have an accident causing property damage. With whom should I seek payment?

Damages should be sought from the at fault party. Failure to add the owned vehicle to the auto insurance policy has left the driver apparantly uninsured in that vehicle. The claimant may need to rely on uninsured motorits coverage. The insurer may offer a grace period for newly acquired vehicles. both drivers should contact their insurance company as it appears one may have no coverage in the accident.

If a car is stolen and has an accident are the vehicles hit covered by insurance?


If an unlicensed driver does not have permission to use your car and gets in an accident does your liability cover damages to another vehicles?

In the UK the insurance company would not accept liability except under exceptional circumstances