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You are it was your piece of property that caused the damage.

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Q: If a wind storm causes my tree to fall on my neighbor's house who is liability for the damages?
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If your husband was cutting down or trimming a tree and the result was damage to your neighbors property, that would indicate direct liability. You and your husband are liable for the cost of damages he caused.

Damage to property cause owners neglect?

Property damage is covered by a property liability insurance package. This applies to all incidents in which an automobile causes damage to another person's property such as a fence or house. If you do not have property liability insurance, the driver is responsible for covering the damages out of pocket.

Can you claim on your insurance if a neighbors tree damages your house?

Probably. Contact your insurance. They may file against your neighbor's insurance.

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There are landlord and owner liability insurances available. A good lease agreement and deposit for damages can also help you cover damages by tenants.

If a neighbor's tree falls on my car?

This is the same situation as in the house question. If a storm causes a tree to fall and it hits your car then your car insurance will be the only avenue to pay for damages to your vehicle. The only way the neighbor could be at fault is if the tree was dead and if the neighbors knew it was dead and did nothing about removing the tree. You would have needed to send them a letter informing them of the tree as well and asking them to remove it to secure the liability on their part.

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Your Auto Liability Insurance will offer coverages for damages resulting from automobile ownership. Homeowners Insurance does not cover autos or auto accidents.

If my neighbors house catches on fire and mine is damaged who is responsible for damages?

In all likliehood - your insurance company would pay to repair your dwelling and then they would take action (called "subrogation") against your neighbors insurance company to collect from their insuror.

Can I insure a house without ownership in California?

If you don't own the property, you can usually still get "renters insurance" that will cover the contents of the house and possibly liability for damages (other than those you might cause intentionally).

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Don't paint your house, paint your neighbors house!!!

Neighbors tree fell on your house who is liable?

Barring some provable negligence, Nobody is liable for an act of nature. Your home insurance should provide coverage for a natural hazard such as this, Likewise if your tree fell on your neighbors house, the same would apply. The neighbors insurance would take car of the neighbors house.Depends on a lot of things. Generally, the tree is considered part of the land. Where it falls is who is initially responsible for the damages. From there, it gets legal depending on multiple factors.

What does catastrophe wind storm coverage for homeowners insurance mean My tree fell on neighbors house about 60mph winds is that considered catastrophe windstorm coverage?

You are not responsible nor liable for Acts of Nature. The windstorm coverage on your policy covers your home, not the neighbors. Your neighbors Homeowners Insurance Policy will cover his damages as stated in the terms of his Policy. It's no different than if his own tree fell on his house.

If my neighbor's tree falls on my house who is responsible for damages?

Fallen Trees and Home InsuranceFortunately, In the United States at least, no one is held liable for acts of nature. If a tree fell on your property whether from your yard, your neighbors yard, blown in from from some national forest down the street or some other yard due to a natural occurrence,Your own Homeowners insurance will cover damages to your own property.If your neighbors property also sustained damage, Likewise the neighbors insurance would cover damages to the neighbors property.You also may be covered under your own homeowners policy for debris removal depending on the circumstances and on your insurance coverage.In almost all cases in the U.S. barring some proven negligence it is our own responsibility. The average homeowner is not expected to be an expert on trees.Bear in mind, these rules may be different in other countries.AnswerThat depends on what caused the tree to fall. The mere fact that it was the neighbor's tree is not enough to create liability for damages on the tree owner. Trees can fall through no fault of the owner's, such as in a hurricane. In order to be able to hold the neighbor liable for damages, the homeowner must show that the treeowner's actions somehow contributed to it falling.