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Fortunately, In the United States at least, no one is held liable for acts of nature. It does not matter whether the tree fell from your yard, your neighbors yard or was blown in from from some national forest down the street or some other yard due to a natural occurrence.

In almost all cases in the U.S. barring some proven negligence, it is our own responsibility. The average homeowner is not expected to be an expert on trees.

With respect to your own home insurance, there would be no coverage for your un-insured vehicle. Homeowners insurance does not cover automobiles. That's what Auto Insurance is for.

AnswerIf your neighbor's tree is dead and they did not remove it, it may fall under their insurance. If it is living, then it would fall under your auto policy. If you don't have coverage, then you would have to cover the loss out of pocket.
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Q: If a neighbor's tree falls on my car and I don't have auto insurance to cover damage does he have any responsibility or does my homeowner's insurance provide any coverage?
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You are not responsible nor liable for Acts of Nature. The windstorm coverage on your policy covers your home, not the neighbors. Your neighbors Homeowners Insurance Policy will cover his damages as stated in the terms of his Policy. It's no different than if his own tree fell on his house.

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No. Homeowners insurance doe snot provide coverage for automobiles manufactured for use on public roads. That's what Auto Insurance is for.

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Your home insurance property coverage portion of your policy would not provide coverage for property of another. However, If you are found liable for damage to your neighbors property your liability coverage would invoke. Most homeowners Insurance policies come as a package with some level of Liability Insurance unless you purchased stand alone property only coverage.

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No. Homeowners Insurance does not coverage for automobiles.

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In general your Homeowners Insurance Policy is specific to property of the named insured. But it really just depends on the type of policy you purchased and the scope of coverage afforded. It would be a good idea to contact your insurance agent. Your agent could advise you on possible coverage for the stolen property.

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No, your homeowners insurance would not provide coverage for your pet.

Does a standard homeowners insurance policy cover the death of the insurer?

No, Homeowners Insurance does not provide the coverage of a life insurance policy.

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NO. Homeowners insurance policies do not provide coverage for automobiles. That's what auto insurance is for.

What is home insurance?

Home Insurance is Insurance coverage for your house, condo or apartment for your personal property and liability coverage for you. The insurance coverage for your house is also called homeowners insurance. The Homeowners isurance is an insurance package that has coverage for the dwelling, the others structures on your property, Loss of Use, Medical Payments and Personal Liability.

How do you find your neighbors homeowners insurance for liability?

You will just have to ask them for the insurance information. there is no central registry or database for homes and the insurance companies that insure them. You should first determine if your neighbor even has Liability insurance. Not all homeowners purchase liability coverage with their insurance policy. A home insurance policy can be bought with or without liability coverage. If the homeowner has elected liability coverage, The homeowners insurance policy will provide the homeowner with legal defense for the cost of defending against a suit that is brought against them claiming liability on the part of the insured. If the Insured is found at fault or liable in court, then their insurance company will cover the cost of those liabilities up to the specified policy limits. Alternatively you can sue your neighbor. Then If your neighbor has Liability coverage on his home insurance policy, You will then meet your neighbors insurance company attorneys in court.

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