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As long as the friend is not excluded on the policy, and you have collision coverage on the vehicle and policy, then most likely yes..

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Q: If a friend uses a insured car and he totals it will progressive insurance cover the damages?
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What would happen if a friend lets you borrow his insured car and you get into an accident but you do not own a car or have insurance?

I believe most insurances will cover the damages if the car is insured and you have a license, but if you do not have a license the insurance will not cover anything you are both liable. Your friend is liable for loning you the car without a license and you are liable for driving it.

If a friend borrows your car and gets in an accident does your auto insurance cover damages?

Depends. If said friend has insurance then in most cases their insurance will cover the damages due to vicarious liability. If the friend does not have insurance, you are then responsible for any damages caused.

Can you legally loan your car to a friend if it's insured to you?

You can legally loan your car to a friend, if you own it, but be prepared to pay for any damages done to or by your friend, because your insurance won't and they might cancel your policy. You must inform your insurance carrier if other persons will be driving your car.

Can you let a friend drive your car occasionally if she doesn't have any car insurance of her own?

Yes as long as you can accept responsibitliy for any damages that she incurrs while in your vehicle. I do it all the time. Are you insured? Does she have a license? My understanding is that most insurances will cover the insurance holder as well as anything they drive, and also anyone who drives the insured vehicle.

Can a uninsured licensed driver drive a insured drivers car?

The rules and laws of insurance vary from state to state but generally speaking it is the automobile that is insured not the driver. So if your friend allows you to drive her insured car and you are involved in an accident you are covered under her policy(((IF her insurance policy does not stipulate restrictions banning unlicensed drivers from operating the vehicle))) in which case her insurance may not cover damages done to her vehicle or injuries to the unlicensed driver.

Whose insurance pays if a friend damages your car while driving it?


What might the consequences be for a roommate borrowing your car with permission and then having an accident in a different state other than where the car is insured?

Assuming your friend has insurance, they would file a claim against the other insurnace company. If your friend doesn't have insurance, you'll have to pursue your firend civillay to recover damages. Insurance follows the driver, not the car, so it doesn't matter which state the accident was in.

Who is responsible for a car accident the car owner or the person the insurance policy is under and the car owners friend is driving owner insured owners friend?

The people responsible for an automobile accident are those who are operating the involved vehicles at the time of the accident - unless the cause is mechanical failure or some other event outside the control or any of the operators. The person responsible for paying for the resulting damages may be the vehicle owners or the person who bought the vehicle insurance (usually, but not always, the same person). When operator negligence is involved, the operator may be responsible for paying the damages, even though the operator is not the insured person.

In what circumstances does your auto insurance cover you and the car if you are driving a friends car?

Car insurance follows the car. If you are using the friend's car temporarily, with permission, as a substitute for your own insured car, your insurance should cover you if the friend's insurance does not. What if my friend (who has the car) does not have insurance and I want to pay for my faults and fix it - will he be arrested?

If your friend gets a speeding ticket in your car and is NOT insured but you are and they didn't give the officer your insurance info what will happen?

In the US insurance has nothing to do with speeding. If your state has mandatory insurance, the fact that your car is insured is good enough but the officer may want to see proof of insurance. Here it is the vehicle that is insured, not the driver. In UK you should not let anyone drive your car on the public road without checking they are insured. You can be fined if you let them drive without insurance.

Who is liable for damages above the maximum limit on your policy when you are not the driver?

The driver of the vehicle would be considered as secondary. Say you own a car, and are insured with company X. You let a friend borrow your car, and they have insurance with company Y. If there is an accident that exceeds the limits of the policy for company X, then company Y would pay up to their policy limit to cover the remainder of the balance for damages. If the driver does not have their own insurance, then potentially both the driver and the vehicle owner could be sued and be responsible for damages.

Who's insurance covers you if you drive a friend's car but only have a learner's permit and your parent's and the friend are insured?

Usually the insurance on the car covers any permitted driver unless that driver is excluded in writing.