

If I own a car can I not be insured on it?

Updated: 9/11/2023
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16y ago

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yes but you need to have a amount of money set aside for " financial resposibility". this money most be kept where its only available for coverage of injuries and damages in case you are involved in an accident. the amount may very from state to state.

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Q: If I own a car can I not be insured on it?
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Do you need a car to be an insured driver?

Not one of your own-generally you are insured by the owner's policy if you are using someone else's car (with permission)

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You need to add him to your insurance or he must have his own. Your boyfriend is not automatically insured.

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The vehicle is insured not the individual. You can pay for and obtain the insurance in the name of the owner with you listed as an insured operator.

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Yes, you can purchase as many policies as you want.

Can you be insured if you are legally blind but still own the car?

Yes, I know of just such a case.

Is the car insured if you just bought it?

A new car is not insured unless you insured it. You can insure a car before you pick it up, but if you don't it isn't insured.

Do you need auto insurance to drive a car owned by someone else if you don't own a car?

yes, not for the car but for yourself. you will not be insured on their car though if you crash it.

If you own a car in Pennsylvania does it need to be insured?

Yes, if it is going to be legally registered, licensed and driven.

How can you find out if your car is insured?

Your car is not insured unless you purchase insurance for it.

If a uninsured car is parked and hit by an insured car will the insured cars insurance company pay for damages?

Only if the insured car was at fault.

Can you be fined for driving someone else car if they do not have insurance?

not if you are personally insured to drive that vehicle on your own policy

Do you need car insurance if you don't own a car?

The answer to your question is no,unless your driving someone elses car at anytime,then you must be insured for that vehicle and that vehicle only..