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Q: I swerved to miss car that did not yield to oncoming traffic and hit a stop sign. Who's at fault?
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If Car A who was preceding into the intersection on a green light was hit by Car B who was rushing to beat the oncoming traffic light who would be at fault?

Car B would be at fault do to the fact that they failed to yield at a traffic light.

Who is at fault if one vehicle entering a parking lot from traffic hits another vehicle exiting a parking space?

The vehicle exiting the parking space that did not yield to oncoming traffic.

Who's at fault in backing accident out of driveway?

I would say probably the person backing out, as they should of looked for any oncoming cars before backing out. ---- The person backing out of the driveway who did not yield to oncoming traffic.

Does right hand turn lane yield to oncoming left turn traffic onto a highway on ramp if a yield sign present for right hand turners?

Yield means yield. Oncoming traffic already on the road has right of way. You merge when it is safe to do so.

Is a left hand turn into traffic at an uncontrolled intersection legal?

Depending on a city, but it doesn't mean you have right of way if there is one or multiple uncomming cars. Then it would be an illegal turn.

At a merge if someone starts to go and then stops and you hit them who is at fault?

If you mean that someone was starting to merge into traffic and then they stopped and you rear-ended them, you would be at fault. If the person merging into traffic hit someone, the merger would be at fault because they failed to yield to oncoming traffic. These are typical scenarios. Other scenarios or circumstances may effect the outcome.

If a person pulls out onto the highway and another car hits him toward the back not the rear end who's fault would it be?

It is always the responsibility of the vehicle entering a flow of traffic to yield to the oncoming traffic. The striking vehicle could be found to be at fault but it would have to be an unusual circumstance.

Left turn on green light?

You're still required to yield to oncoming traffic.

When making a left turn at a controlled intersection a motorist must yield to?

Oncoming Traffic

Why is there a yield sign at a traffic light?

A yield sign at a traffic light is typically used to enforce specific rules at an intersection, such as requiring drivers to yield to pedestrians or oncoming traffic before proceeding. This helps regulate the flow of traffic and ensures safety.

Who is at fault if A is traveling straight through an intersection on a green signal and B turns left in front of A and A hits B on the right passenger side door?

B is at fault. Drivers making a turn, must yield to oncoming traffic. B is at fault for making a left turn without yielding. There is no general rule that all turning traffic must yield, although some jurisdictions may have such a specialized rule.

What is the difference between a merge and a yield - relative to traffic laws?

The Difference between a merge and a yield is, when your merging, you are entering oncoming traffic with out stopping, and yielding s letting the traffic pass you and then going when the coast is clear.