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If you were the victim of hit and run driver, and your vehicle damaged others as a result - notify your insurance company and it, and the insurance companies of the other damaged vehicles, will engage in what is known as "subrogation" of the costs of repairing the vehicles involved.

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Q: I have liability only and was involved in a hit and run but you hit some other cars when you were hit?
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If they reposses one of your cars can they take the other?

you can only reposses a car that has out standing payments. unless you are involved in crime and have profited through illegal activities then both cars can be repossesed.however if you have only defaulted payments on one car then your other car is safe.

Does Texas liability insurance cover if the two cars involved in the accident are register under the same persons name?

Here is the problem with that,"It is not legally possible to be liable to ones self"So no, liability only coverage will not cover damage to your own property, That's what the comprehensive and collision coverage is offered to you for when you purchase your auto insurance. Comp and Collision provides coverage for your own property, Liability provides coverage for property and injury of others.If you bought liability only, there is no coverage for your own property.Answer:It should, and if it doesn't, there should be other parts of the policy that can pay out. Coverages such as uninsured motorists or medical payments.

How old does your car need to be to qualify for liability insurance?

How old the car is has nothing to do with it. The only time a car is REQUIRED to have FULL COVERAGE is when a car is being financed. In other words, a bank gives you a loan. Why? Because liability only fixes the other persons car, and if you get in a wreck, the bank will never get their money back from the car. I have owned ~5 cars in my life, financed one, and had full coverage insurance on it. Every other car has been liability only. So again, the age of a car has nothing to do with qualifying for liability insurance. If its being paid for with a bank loan, you need full coverage, if the car is paid off, you can get liability.

If you have two cars you have full coverge on one and libilty on the other will in any way the car with full coverge pay for the other car if wreaked?

Only if the liability covered car is hit by the full coverage car in a legitimate collision.

How many cars are usually in a car accident?

One car at the least (like if you are crashing into a tree, that would only involve one car), usually two cars are involved in a car accident, but there can be many cars involved. Hope this helps.

What happens after your car is totaled and you only have liability?

If a car is totaled in an accident and only liability insurance is present, there is a chance that the other party's insurance will pay for the vehicle if the accident was their fault. If a car is totaled, but no others were involved, then the responsibility falls on the registered owner. This will not release the registered owner from paying for the vehicle, either, if money is still owed on the car.

What are the absolute lowest auto insurance rates in the country?

Rates that are for plans that are liability only and for old cheap cars with great driver records.

Does liability insurance cover towing for the insurer?

Liability insurance only covers damage you did to the other vehicles, property, and persons. It does not cover any damage to your vehicle or yourself. Towing your vehicle would only be required if it was damaged, so your liability insurance won't cover it (but the other person's liability might depending on the actual findings of fault).

If you rent a car for a week will it be covered by your current insurance if you only carry liability?

Liability only covers the "other' car/property. So no the rental car would not be covered.

You were involved in an accident with your dads automobile and he has only liability insurance and you are not on the policy who is responsible?

If 'you' were at fault, or there was no other party involved (ie: backing into a pole..), then 'you' are. Even if 'you' were on the policy, it only covers damage to other vehicles/property/people, no coverage for dmg to car itself. If the vehicle was in the care, custody, and control of someone given permission to drive it, then that someone is responsible for any and all damage to the vehicle.

What does gti means in cars?

GTI is not involved in all cars, only in some cars it means basically the sports model, for instance, peugeot 205 GTI or ford escort GTI

Can you carry only pip insurance only on older cars with a low value instead of full coverage in FL.?

The required coverage in Florida is Liability (10/20/10) and PIP for any car