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If the cars currently insured, you can't insure it again. Just get named on your friends policy temporarily.

It is a common misconception that automobile insurance purchased in the United States for a United States driver covers the vehicle. In fact, automobile insurance only covers thedriver. As long as you are properly licensed to drive a motor vehicle (i.e., for whatever class(es) of license you were tested for and the given State has granted you), and your personal automobile insurance is valid, and the motor vehicle you are about to drive is properly registered with the given State, and, most importantly, you have your friend's permission to drive the motor vehicle (usually indicated by the State-issued, motor vehicle registration card, which your friend needs to give you while you are driving his/her motor vehicle), then you are covered by your own insurance company, regardless of what motor vehicle you are driving. If you get into an accident while driving your friend's motor vehicle, then your insurance company would pay any relevant damages (whether or not you are At Fault) to your friend. If you do not have your own automobile insurance, and need to "buy" it, as the question states, then it implies that you are not legally licensed to drive, as all U.S. States require insurance in order to be licensed to drive.

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Q: I am using my friend's car for few days and I do not want to use his insurance so can I buy insurance for his car while I am driving that car?
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HttpwikianswerscomQI am using your friends car for few days and you dont want to use his insurance so can you buy a insurance for his car while you are driving that car?

NO! Buy your own insurance! Or get him to!

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Insurance rates are based primarily on your personal driving habits and record, so if you receive a ticket while driving a rental car it can still be reported to your insurance company because the citing officer has your drivers license information. So in short, it is definitely possible for your insurance company to raise your rate based on a speeding ticket you received while driving a rented vehicle.

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The short answer is it depends on your insurance company. Some do and some don't; most do not. My qualifications: I am an independent insurance agent in CA. ADDED: It may well do where using a hand-held phone while driving is illegal, as it is here in the UK. As you say it would depend on the insurer, but in the event of an accident it could at least void the claim if not the policy.

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