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Challenges to hydrogen as fuel include no distribution network, ie gas stations, and fear that the car co u l d explode like the Hindenburg.

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Q: Hydrogen-powered cars create less pollution than gasoline-powered cars when driven. What might be a challenge to using hydrogen as a fuel?
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What is a challenge to using hydrogen as a fuel because hydrogen powered cars create less pollution than gasoline powered cars?

New fueling stations that can handle hydrogen would have to be built.

Does hydrogen cause pollution when it burns?

When hydrogen burns, the only byproduct is water vapor. Therefore, hydrogen combustion does not produce any pollution or harmful emissions. This makes hydrogen a clean and environmentally friendly fuel source.

What are the positive aspects for hydrogen?

it helps to avoid pollution

Are cars that run on hydrogen cause air pollution?

no it does not

Is using hydrogen as a fuel in cars?

Hydrogen can be used as fuel in carsbecause it don't cause any pollution

What is a sentence with hydrogen?

Hydrogen is the simplest element in the universe. Combining hydrogen and oxygen in a fuel cell would produce energy without pollution.

Why are hydrogen cars better than petrol cars?

less pollution

Why will there be less pollution if hydrogen is burned to a fuel?

Hydrogen combustion produces water vapor as the main byproduct, which is cleaner than the pollutants emitted from burning fossil fuels like gasoline or diesel. This results in less pollution being released into the atmosphere when hydrogen is used as fuel.

How do hydrogen cars produce less pollution than fossil fuels?

The direct pollution of a hydrogen-powered car is just water vapor, which is very clean. However, the TOTAL pollution of a hydrogen-powered car is higher than a fossil-fuel powered car. Pure hydrogen is difficult to obtain here on Earth. You need to make the hydrogen by breaking down other compounds that contain hydrogen, and that often takes a lot of either electric energy or natural gas. The electricity needed to break down water into hydrogen and oxygen generally comes from coal or natural gas, both fossil fuels. So, hydrogen cars or electric cars are just a way of sending the pollution someplace else, not eliminating it completely.

What is the effect of hydrogen chloride gas on environmental pollution?

cause acid rain

How would pollution affect living organisms that rely cohesion?

It effects them because when the hydrogen bonds form the pollution will also go into the formation too.

Why would using hydrogen as a fuel cause no pollution?

well its cause they didn't produce it