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You cannot give rates or estimates of rates in a forum like this. There are up to 100 factors that go into rating an automobile policy and there is no room or privacy here to rate an auto policy. Sorry but you need to call an agent in your area in order to get the best rates. I strongly suggest that you find an Independent Agent that you can deal with who is willing to explain coverages to you so that you can make informed decisions on what coverage you need or want.

An Independent Agent represents many different insurance carriers so that they can shop their many companies to find you the best rate and coverage.

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Q: How much would car insurance premium for a 30 year old male in Virginia?
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What is the average auto insurance premium for 17 year old male in New Jersey?

200 a month

How much will your premium insurance go up for 19 yo male going 80 in 65mph zone?

just the one ticket? most insurance companies excuse 1 speeding ticket in three years.

How do you calculate premium in life insurance?

First, decide the amount of insurance that you need. Then you will find rates according if you are male or female. Rates can change according to your age, health habits, and if you are a smoker or not. Multiply your rate number by the number of thousands of insurance that you want.

How did colonists in Virginia obtain political rights?

To have political rights in Virginia you would have to be male, own land, and be over 17

What are the lowest insurance premiums for medical when I am a healthy 24 year old male?

The amount you will pay for your premium will depend on what state you live in. Another major factor will be your family history. You can contact your local insurance agency to obtain a quote.

How much would a 17 year old male pay for motorcycle insurance in Massachusetts?

A 17 year old male will pay a considerately higher amount for motorcycle insurance in Massachusetts than someone older. On average a 30 year old male for motorcycle insurance would pay $700 a year. A 17 year old would typically pay approximately $1,400 a year for insurance.

How much would insurance be for a 16 year old male?

Go to various insurance company websites to get a quote!

How will it affect a 16 year old male's insurance premium if he got a speeding ticket and two weeks later he got a stop sign ticket?

Because the cost of insurance is reletive to you, your driving record and the state you live in, You need to call your agent and ask him.

If you sell a car and agree to maintain the car insurance for the buyer and the buyer pays the premium and then the buyer is in a car accident does the seller's insurance cover the damage?

At the time of the loss the named insured on the policy and the title holder has to be the same (or family) for the insurance to be proper. If a 40 year old male sold his vehicle to a 18 year male, and the insurance was kept in the name of the 40 year old person, there might be a problem paying for a claim, especially in situation where there was an accident involving the 18 year old, regardless who paid for insurance.

Why were large numbers of male indurtured servants brought to colonial virginia?

Large numbers of servants were brought to the colonial Virginia to work. They would work for housing and meals.

How much is the insurance on a 05 Porsche boxster insurance for 15 year old male?

There are quite a few factors that will determine how much insurance costs, I would call a local agent for a quote.

How much would insurance cost for a 17-year-old male who drives a 1997 Mustang?

Probably a lot.