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Q: What is the average auto insurance premium for 17 year old male in New Jersey?
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What is the average rate for car insurance in New Jersey?

The average auto insurance premium cost in New Jersey is $2498 per year. Much higher then the national average of $1735 per year.

What is the average premium for md car insurance?

In 2009 the average auto insurance premium for residents in Maryland is $2,295.

What is the average price for auto insurance in Georgia?

The average car insurance premium for Georgia residents in $1558 per year. a little lower then the national average of $1735.

What is America's average car insurance rate?

The average insurance expenditure is calculated by adding all auto insurance premium collected for liability, comprehensive, and collision coverage, and dividing by the number of insured cars for the year. The average auto insurance expenditure nationwide is $785.

What is the average rate for an American Family auto insurance policy?

The average rate for an American family auto insurance policy depends on the US state one resides in. In Arizona, Sample Premium average costs $2,706.

Which reputable insurance company can offer cheap auto insurance in New Jersey?

The reputable insurance company that can offer cheap auto insurance in New Jersey is none other than IFA Auto. IFA Auto is one of the most reputable auto insurance companies for New Jersey.

What is the average cost of car insurance in Arizona?

The average auto insurance premium for the citizen of Arizona is $1856 in 2009; the national average is $1,796. Even within the state of Arizona, rates have changed over the past few years. Comparing the current average car insurance rates, the average auto insurance premium in Arizona is 14% higher in the year 2009 than the year 2008. In year 2008 was 9% lower than 2007 in Arizona.

How much does auto insurance cost in Hawaii?

(Username: jehekim2) According to, the average auto insurance premium in Hawaii $1,354. This however can vary greatly depending on the insurance company and other factors (age, vehicle, occupation, etc.)

What are some high risk auto insurance companies in New Jersey?

If one is looking for high risk auto insurance companies in New Jersey, one could try the New Jersey Manufacturers Insurance Company. The IFA Auto Insurance is also worth a look.

What states offer cheap rates for car insurance compared to the average?

States in the midwest, such as Kansas, Wyoming and Montana have cheap auto insurance rates compared to the national average. States in the north east, such as New York and New Jersey have very high auto insurance rates.

What are the average auto insurance rates in Florida?

The average auto insurance rates in Florida are slightly lower than the national average. The average auto insurance rate in Florida is around $1,550.

In New Jersey is auto insurance primary over health insurance?

Yes it is.