The additional expense to insure a convertible varies based on age, driving history, and credit history. Additional expenses include the type of convertible, the replacement cost, and location of vehicle.
check with your insurance company. Typically economy cars like the Corolla cost much less to insure than larger more expensive models.
The real problem goes deeper than that. Aside from being more expensive it will likely be difficult to find coverage in many states. Insurers will believe that you built a lifted truck to engage in risky behaviors and they either won't insure you or will charge much more.
Actually, Audi car insurance tends to be less than many other cars of the same (luxury) class but will be more than cars of different classes because they are luxury cars and thus more expensive to purchase. The more expensive a car is to purchase, the more it will be to insure.
The annual premium to insure a commercial fleet is substantially more because of what is at risk. The cost depends on the vehicles, the nature of the business, and a number of other factors.
yes of course.
it is easy
alcohol can by much more expensive. This also depends on where you live.
it is very expensive. most probably wont insure you unless you have a lisences. then they wont loes money when you crash.
Dodge never made a Charger convertible, so it doesn't "much" of anything.
Yes, you can pretty much insure any car if you can afford it.
For what? To mail? To insure? To overnight? Please be more specific!
If you are considering purchasing an iPad and want to know how much more expensive iPad 2s are compared to the first generations, the answer would be a little more expensive.