You will receive the fair market value for your vehicle. An insurance company is only required to compensate you at the fair market value. This may be more or less than is still owed on a vehicle if it is still under a finance note The amount still owed on any finance note has no bearing on the current market value of your vehicle.
More comments:
Note: If you are having trouble locating a vehicle within 200 miles of where you live, then try and find a similar replacement vehicle you are interested and use that as your leverage. I have been told that by law, your insurance company is only require to pay out the wholesale price of the vehicle. This is usually at least half of what the blue book value is. So don't get your insurance company mad at you, but also stick to your guns when trying to get more money to replace or fix your vehicle!
How much money in gas does a car waste weekly?
too much
Yes. Hopefully the car is insured, and the insurance money recieved will cover the loan of the car.
I don't think money can spend a person, in a car, in Germany.
It all depends on the commission structure and the total sales and total premiums. In car insurance, typical commissions range from 7% to 15% first year and renewal.
Hotwheels, $.88 if you shop around.
alot of money
about 90,000 usd
1 million$