to answer your question they are about 30 bucks a can but you can not do the work your self because no and days they have a recaptor tecnique to catch the release of the extra freon left in the system
depemds on the car as how much freon it will hold. some cars have a tag saying how much freon the car is filled with. Too much freon is just as bad as not enough freon.
1.88 pounds of 134
take it to someone that can reclaim it
yes, it will blow out your seals. causeing all the freon you just put in to leak out. yes
The exact amount of Freon that needs to be added to a Kia Optima is unknown. This is because if Freon is needed there may be a leak and the car will need to be taken to a mechanic.
where do u put freon in a smart cAR 2009
Freon is odorless; you cannot smell it.
There should be a sticker under the hood which tells which refrigerant is used and how much for that particular system.
It varies from car to car. The best way to know for sure is to consult a qualified A/C shop. Good luck!
Freon cooler is leaking from A/C system.
yes but you need to how much freon if may not be cost effective. Plus you need to know if it is the same type of freon.