It varies from car to car. The best way to know for sure is to consult a qualified A/C shop. Good luck!
4 pounds
it depends on the size of the unit and how many pounds of freon it takes r-22 is going for 10 to 15 dollars a pound
yes, it will blow out your seals. causeing all the freon you just put in to leak out. yes
where do u put freon in a smart cAR 2009
There should be a sticker under the hood which tells which refrigerant is used and how much for that particular system.
The exact amount of Freon that needs to be added to a Kia Optima is unknown. This is because if Freon is needed there may be a leak and the car will need to be taken to a mechanic.
if your are performing a flush, in addition to charging the system with refrigerant, then your looking about $200 give or take a handful. call your mechanic, and if your don't have one, then call around to your local shops and see who has the best deal!nIf it has Freon R12 switch it over to R134 as it is much cheaper than Freon.
I wouldn't pay anyone to do it, it'd probably by a lot more than to just do it yourself. You can get a can of it at auto zone or somewhere for about ten to twenty dollars and they should be able to tell you where the valve is that you put the fluid in. Second opinion: Your car should not need freon. If it does, then there is a leak, and it would be inappropriate to add freon without fixing the leak. Besides, it is possible to have too much freon, so you need to measure what was in the system. You need tools and equipment to do this, so take the car someplace and have it looked at.
Depends on the cost of the car. If you mean registering the car it is based on age and value of the car to get tags. Call your DMV.
all i know is that freon is put into air conditioning units in your car. it's what causes your A/C to be cold
The line that you fill freon to in a car is known as the fill line. Going past the line can cause overflow, or even damage your vehicle.
Excessive freon may cause the compressor to"slug" (Seize)