Each city in Texas has their own fees for an open container ticket. In Houston, TX, the fine for an open container is $270.00 dollars.
How much does an open container ticket cost? This ticket was given by a state park warden How much does an open container ticket cost? This ticket was given by a state park warden
Yes, you can. Receiving an Open Container ticket is for having an open container.
In the state of Louisiana, the fine for an open container is $100. This applies to both drivers and passengers in moving vehicles.
The Commonwealth of Virginia considers having an open container a Class 4 misdemeanor. The penalty for a Class 4 misdemeanor is a fine of not more than $250.
Yes, you can get a ticket for having an open container of alcohol in you car while driving the state of California. You can get a ticket because it is illegal to have unsealed alcohol in your car.
The Driver