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The car will gain about 10 degrees more then the white one in a 80-90 degree weather

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Q: How much hotter does a black car get?
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Why do black cars get hotter than white cars in the sun?

Black is a much more absorbent color.

Would you feel hotter on a sunny day in a shiny black car or a filthy dirty white one and why?

You would feel hotter in a shiny black car on a sunny day, as black absorbs more sunlight and heat than white. The shiny surface of the black car would reflect less heat away, leading to a higher temperature inside the car.

Why getting in a dark car in the summer is unpleasent?

Black absorbs the sun's ultraviolet rays/energy making the car hotter than, slver or white.

Does a car with rolled up windows get hotter than the outside air temp?

You bet. On a sunny day the temperature inside the car can be as much as 30 degrees hotter than outside when the windows are up.

What is hotter a black star or a white star?

Technically Blue stars are hotter but from your options, white stars are hotter.

Which color is hotter black or white?

Black, It goes With everything.

Who is hotter then a volcano?

the sun is much hotter

What does a black car get hotter in sunlight than a white one?

Because black absorbs almost all of the different-colored light rays and reflects no light rays. After it has been absorbed, it turns into heat. White, on the other hand, reflects all of the colors and absorbs almost nothing. The small amount of light rays that have been absorbed turn into heat. Very little heat. Hence, the black car is hotter.

Does the black dwarf have a higher surface temperature than a blue main sequence star?

No, a black dwarf would have a fairly low temperature, for a star; scarcely hot enough to glow. Way hotter than a planet, but not all THAT much hotter.

Is the sun or a black dwarf hotter?


Why is black material becomes hotter in sunny days than white?

Black absorbs much of the radiant energy (heat) that strikes it, while white reflects much of it back allowing it to stay cooler.