It really depends how high u wanted and where you go i got mine done for $1500 but it was worth about $3500.
The cost of a lift truck depends on the provider, location, and condition for the car. A lift truck's price can range anywhere between $1000-$10,000 depending on circumstances.
Trying asking a 4X4 shopalso define Big Lift
alot of money and remember trucks are big....ROAD SAFETY
for a truck its usaully about 600
2 second Google for "Menlo park lift kit" got several promising hits. As to cost it will depend on your truck, if you want it done so the truck will be safe, and how high.
How much does a gas tanker truck cost?"
You're looking at about 1500$ for the kit, plus labour to install. In total your probably looking at around 2200$ for the lift. That gets you lifted, then you need bigger tires! :P
It can cost as much as 1200 dollars or more to lift an SUV depending on the height and the type of lift. A body lift of 4 inches can cost 400 dollars or more when springs are also replaced.
"How much is the cost of the Catalytic converter on a 1997 Nissan truck?"
A lift kit will vary in cost depending on the size, quality, and vehicle. They can cost as little as $99 and as much as several thousands of dollars.
Need to specify the truck and the application. That all factors in to the overall cost.
if you can lift it good luck