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depends on what the "burning material" is. if its a cigarette, then it may only be around 50 dollars.

now, if its a flaming bag of dog crap, then it may be a little bit more.

Not true.... I just got a ticket in Yamhill County in the state of Oregon for throwing my burning smoke out of my car. $1250.00

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Q: How much does a ticket cost for throwing burning materials from vehicle?
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You can receive a ticket for expired tags on your vehicle if you are driving with tags that are past their expiration date.

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Well, technically, whoever was in actual physical possession of the vehicle at the time the ticket was issued. However, as the registrant of the vehicle, it's going to be assumed to be on you, and you'll have the burden of proof to show that you weren't in possession of the vehicle at the time the ticket was issued.

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The vehicle is registered to your boss, so yes. You need to take the ticket to him, along with money to pay the ticket, so he knows what is against his vehicle.

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depends on motor vehicle laws of that state

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yes. buy a ticket at their website.

Is the ticket still valid if the vehicle type is wrong?

no its not

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you are since it is on your vehicle