For a three axle, sleeper berth truck with 40k rears and a 12/13k steer, 17,000 - 18,000 lbs., depending on specifics, of course.
Not sure when you asked this question, but 120k is what you could expect for a typical base model. Currently, Kenworth is looking to shut down the T700 production line (thankfully), phasing it out for the T680. Last word I got was that there are four T700 bodies remaining, and, once they're sold off, the T700 line will be shut down. If you wanted one, you can probably get an outstanding deal on one of those remaining four.
Pull out the glove compartment, and you'll see it.
Remove the glove compartment, and it'll expose the primary fuse and relay panel.
The Kenworth T2000 trucks are a sleeper semi truck and they are commonly used for long distance hauling. It was one of the popular North American models but was replaced by the T700.
There are many types of semi trucks available for purchase from Kenworth Trucks. A few of these semi trucks are T880, T680, T600, T700, W800 and also a W900. Kenworth dealers will also sell used trucks from other manufacturers which were traded in. Aside from selling Class 5 - 8 Kenworth trucks, some Kenworth dealerships are also dealers of Hino trucks.
It's on the right side of the truck, in the space just in front of the windshield. Unlatch the two clips holding the cover in, take the cover off, pull the old filter out, do the reverse for reinstalling it.
Plenty of them do. Swift Transportation has some T2000s, T600s, T660s, and W900Ls in their fleet. Navajo Expresses primarily uses the T660, T700, and T680. Stevens Transport uses the T2000, T660, T700, and I think the T680. Werner Enterprises runs some T660s. Western Distribution runs a lot of Kenworths. Just the ones I could think of off the top of my head.
Depends on the year and model. On the T2000 and the T700, they're located behind the glove compartment. Most other models will have at least one fuse panel behind the kick panel on the driver's side, while more recent, multiplexed trucks will have a fuse panel for the chassis nodes under the hood on the driver's side. The T680 has an additional fuse panel for the sleeper berth located at the front wall of the LH side box.
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