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Q: How many seconds should you be behind the car in front of you?
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Under peak performance conditions how many seconds should you be behind the person in front of you?


Under peak performance conditions how many seconds should you be behind the person in front of you.?


How many seconds should you be behind the person in front of you in a vehicle?

It is more like car length than seconds when following another car. You should be at least 2 car lengths from the other car.

When driving in fog you should be able to see how many seconds in front of you?

i guessed 8 seconds

How many car length should you leave between 2 cars when driving?

How many car lenghts does your car have to be when you are stopped at a red light? a minimum of 2 seconds behind the car in front

How many seconds should you be away from the car in front of you?


How many feet should you be behind another car?

100 ft4 seconds

How many seconds should you look ahead of your car?

It is not seconds, but car length. If you are seconds behind someone and they stop fast you will hit them.

How many fee should you stay behind a parked car?

at a set of red lights. how many feet should you be behind the vehicle in front of you?

During rainy weather how many seconds should you drive behind the car in front of you?

It depends on how much traffic there is, how bad the rain is, and how fast you're driving. Definitely stay further behind the car in front of you if it's very heavy rain or if you're on the highway, but it's also safer to stay at least several car lengths (3-5 seconds) behind even in light rain or in slow traffic, because roads can always be slippery.

How many seconds should you drive behind another vehicle in rainy weather?

You double your distance in the rain. the seconds method is only a practices guide for beginners.

How many meters of Driving distance between cars?

it is recommende to keep a gap of at least two seconds behind the car in front of you so the distance varies with the speed