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Q: How many seconds should you be away from the car in front of you?
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How many seconds should you be behind the car in front of you?


When driving in fog you should be able to see how many seconds in front of you?

i guessed 8 seconds

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Under peak performance conditions how many seconds should you be behind the person in front of you.?


How many seconds should you be behind the person in front of you in a vehicle?

It is more like car length than seconds when following another car. You should be at least 2 car lengths from the other car.

How many feet away from other car should you keep while driving next to someone in your lane?

A minimum of 2 seconds in good weather.

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it doesn't matter how many seconds you should wash your hand, but that you wash them thorougly

Interruptions in chest compressions should be limited to how many seconds?

15 seconds

How many car length should you leave between 2 cars when driving?

How many car lenghts does your car have to be when you are stopped at a red light? a minimum of 2 seconds behind the car in front

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Drivers should check their mirrors every how many seconds?

About every 10 to 20 seconds

Should a front loading washing machine repeatedly agitate for a few seconds and then pause for a few seconds throughout the washing cycle instead of agitating continuously?

It depends on the model. I really don't know how many do and how many do not. Every one I've worked with in my positions as laundry attendant have done it.