

Best Answer

I recommend you this site where you can compare quotes from different comapnies: INSURANCE-QUOTES-FREE.INFO

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Q: How many points do you get for no car insurance?
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Related questions

How many insurance points do you get when you get a ticket for driving without car insurance?

If you don't have insurance how will it go against your insurance?

How many points will you get if you had a car accident and it totaled your car but you did not receive a ticket and insurance did not have to pay?

If you didn't receive a ticket, then you won't get any points.

Whose insurance is affected when a friend gets a ticket when driving your car?

Insurance follows the car, and points follow the driver. which means that the friend will receive the ticket and the points against his insurance. However, your insurance will pay for your car and you should not receive the points for the ticket. Check with your state for insurance guidelines.

What does points mean in car insurance?

Points on your dmv printout for tickets, etc.

What is considered the cheapest auto insurance for a car?

Depending on your age, your sex, your car, your experience and the number of reclamation in the past as a driver, you can find the cheapest auto insurance by comparing them points by points.

Will jaywalking ticket increase car insurance?

A jaywalking ticket will not increase your car insurance. It will not put points on your license in most areas or states.

Can you get points on your license for not having car insurance?

No, but in many states it's a criminal offense and you can be subject to license suspension, fines and jail.

What happens if you give wrong birth date to a car insurance compay?

you will get 6 points on licence £200 fine, and car siezed, insurance will be invalid.

Where can one get multiple car insurance quotes in the uk?

One can get multiple car insurance quotes in the UK at Admiral Car Insurance, Privelege Car Insurance, Direct Line Car Insurance, Aviva Car Insurance, Churchill Car Insurance and many more.

How many I-CAR points do you have to have to get I-CAR platinum status?

You have to get 10 points.

How do you find out how many points your ticket is?

The points that a person acquires from a ticket will vary in each state. You can find out how many points you ticket was from your insurance agency. The insurance agency has access to this information.

Which companies provide car insurance for those under 25?

The companies which provide car insurance for those under 25 are 1 Cover Car Insurance, My Cheap Car Insurance, Direct Line Car Insurance, Churchill Car Insurance, The Co-operative Car Insurance and many more.