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The points that a person acquires from a ticket will vary in each state. You can find out how many points you ticket was from your insurance agency. The insurance agency has access to this information.

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Q: How do you find out how many points your ticket is?
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An adult seat belt ticket carries 0 points and roughly a $150 fine. On the other hand, a child seat belt ticket carries 3 points.

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Washington state does not assign points to traffic violations.

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Violations of three points are?

Most times, when you gets points on your license, you will get a ticket that you will have to pay. If you get so many points on your license, you can lose your license.

How many points for a 9 mph over the limit speeding ticket?

Conrtact your Insurance Agent. He can let you know what points will be assesed based on the type of ticket and the circumstances under which you were speeding.