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Q: How many gaskets in a car?
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How many gaskets in the average car?

At least 8

How many cylinder head gaskets are in a 6-cylinder car?


Where are gaskets in an 99 Oldsmobile alero?

There are many gaskets on any car engine. If you are asking about head gaskets, they are between the cylinder head(s) and the engine block. The cylinder head is under the valve cover. --------------

How much to put new gasket in car?

There are many gaskets in many different vehicles. More info needed.

What do you put on your car door gaskets to prevent ice?

Silicone spray.

Can blown head gaskets make your car run hot?


Will manifold gaskets make a car misfire?

yes, their sucking air, 65;

Can you make your own seal?

you mean like on a car? Probably not a seal exactly. But i know you can get gasket material to make gaskets from many auto parts stores.

How many hours it take to change manifold gasket in cutlaas car?

The year, engine size and if it is the intake manifold or an exhaust manifold gaskets would help.

How many head gaskets are in a Subaru?

They have two.

What other gaskets are on a car?

There are a few gaskets on a car:- Cylinder Head, Water Pump, Inlet Manifold, Exhaust Manifold, Sump Cover,Thermostat Housing,Transmission Sump,Tappet Cover,Valley cover,Side Cover,Sump Plug,Differential Sump Plug, Transmission Sump Plug, Oil Filter, Oil Pump,Fuel Pump, I'm sure there are more but these will get you started Also door gaskets and window gaskets.

What does it mean to have gas smells in and outside the car?

You have to check the fuel pump and the carburetor. (mainly gaskets)