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Q: How many death claims were paid by Primerica Life Insurance as a result of the 911 attacks?
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Related questions

What is under insurance?

When you file an insurance claim, if you do not have enough insurance coverage, under insurance claims can be the result. Under insurance is a term used when calculating claims when the coverage is not enough and the policy has undervalued the amount insured.

What is the auto insurance claims frequency?

Claims FrequencyIt refers to how often cliams are filed against your insurance policy. Frequent claims activity can result in cancellation or non renewal of your policy.

How much will your bike insurance go up after a claim?

Your insurance can vary based on quite a few variables, not just a claim. Some claims will not result in a premium increase and some claims will raise them based on the severity of an accident.

How many claims can you make on home insurance before they drop you?

There is no set number of claims that will automatically result in being dropped by a home insurance company. However, making multiple claims within a short period of time or a pattern of filing claims can increase the likelihood of being dropped. It's best to check with your insurance provider for specific details on their policy regarding claims.

Do you have to tell the insurance company how long that you have smoked?

Yes, false information on any application for insurance could result in the denial of all claims associated with that policy.

Can i claim on insurance for soild carpet?

Insurance claims for CarpetIf your carpet has been "soiled" as a result of a covered peril on your policy then it would be covered.If the carpet is soiled as the result of normal expected use then it would not be covered.

What is an accident based insurance policy?

The term "accident insurance" applies to life and health insurance policy's that will only pay claims that result from an accident. Example: A person who owns an accident-only disability policy falls ill from cancer. The policy will not pay any claims as a result of the cancer. If the same person fell down a flight of stairs, the policy would pay.

Why do insurance companies cancel your policy once you have a claim?

It is very rare that an insurer would cancel your policy after a single claim unless the insurer determines that the claim was the result of some severe negligence or a persistent moral hazard such as lack of maintenance. Multiple claims however are another matter. Excessive claims activity usually will result in the companies reassessment of the risk factors associated with a homeowners insurance policy.

Why would Public Liability Insurance be needed?

Public liability insurance is important to businesses as it covers the business if a customer or any member of the public suffers a loss or injury as a result of the business' activity. This type of insurance covers compensation claims as well as legal expenses.

What services does BJK provide?

BJK are insurance brokers. They assist and guide clients through the process of claiming compensation from insurances. Instead of directly talking to their insurance, clients use BJK's knowledge and experience to negotiate claims with the insurance companies to assure an optimal result.

Does homeowners insurance cover asbestos removal as a result of a covered peril?

You'll need t check your insurance policy language to be sure, but most homeowners insurance polices in the U.S. these days do not provide coverage for asbestos abatement or related claims arising from asbestos.

Will allstate drop if you had hail damage and flood damage with a year?

It is possible for Allstate to drop you if you make multiple claims for hail and flood damage within a year. Insurance companies may view frequent claims as a higher risk and may choose to terminate coverage. It would be best to check with Allstate directly to understand their specific policy on claim history.