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You can have as many as you like I believe but your insurance rates would be through the roof should you make numerous claims in a year.

Anyway, if you are looking for a very affordable insurance, I recommend you check the site below to get free quotes and compare premiums between different insurance companies in the US. The website will pull up comparable premiums from the database, that would give you the best insurance quote and decide which one is best for you.

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Q: How many auto insurance claims can you have in a year?
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Related questions

How many insurance claims are filed each year?

500 million

What percentage of auto insurance losses are used to determine premium?

All auto losses are used to determine premiums. All claims paid plus expenses of the company are added up to determine if the insurance company has a profit or a loss. Auto insurance companies usually try to break even on underwriting of auto insurance policies. If they can break even on the insurance then they will usually make money on investing the premiums and be profitable for the year.

Can car insurance drop?

If I understand your question you are asking if auto insurance ever goes down in price. The answer to this is yes though it often seem like it only goes up rather than down. This year I have seen many of my insurance carriers reduce their rates in order to gain market share and because their claims have not been as high for auto insurance as they have been in the past. In the past few years insurance companies have been loosing money on homeowners insurance and doing better on auto insurance. Homeowners insurance has gotten to the point that it is harder to obtain a really great home policy with a good rate. It is also advisable not to make smaller claims on your house insurance for fear of loosing the insurance.

How long do you have to file a auto insurance claim in the state of California and is 3weeks to long to file a claim?

Most claims need to be filed within a year of the occurrence.

Can you get auto insurance for a previous year?

When you are obtaining quotes for auto insurance, this insurance provider will give you quotes effective the date you request. The date requested must be either the date of the quote, or a date sometime in the future. If you are requesting for auto insurance for a previous year, chances are you are trying to get proof of insurance for a period of time you did not actually have insurance. Insurers will not do this as it will put their company at risk for paying claims they should not be covering. Even if you are willing to pay backdated premiums, no insurance company will backdate a policy because it is both illegal and risky for them.

How much did auto insurance cost in 1981?

In the year 1981, I paid $150 dollars a year for auto liability insurance.

Your auto insurance should be lowered if you do not have an accident or tickets for a year.?

Your auto insurance should be lowered if you do not have an accident or tickets for a year.

Can you get auto insurance if you are under age?

quote on auto insurance for my 16 year old daughter

What is the auto insurance rate for a 16 year-old driving a Ford Mustang?

Auto insurance rates vary due to many factors. You will have to call an insurance company to get the correct insurance quotes in your state and particular to the car and your insurance requirements.

Does an 18 year old have to have auto insurance to keep a drivers license?

No. He has to have auto insurance to keep driving.

How much does it cost to add a teen to a auto insurance policy?

There are many factors to consider when rating an auto insurance policy and this forum is not a place to get such rates. Just a few of the rating factors are: age, year of vehicle, make, model, coverage desired, zip code, state, usage of the vehicle, tickets, accidents, claims, credit ratings, etc.

What are some of the benefits of purchasing Costco auto insurance?

There are many benefits to purchasing Costco's auto insurance. First and foremost, Costco members save on average $484.37 on auto insurance within the first year. In addition, Costco's auto insurance also offers road side assistance as well as glass repair reimbursement.