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Any insurance carrier requires to notify of a claim, or potential claim as soon a it happens. If it is a few days past, it is usually no big deal. There will be a reporting claim clause in your policy. It there is personal injury-it should be called in right away.

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Q: How long after an accident do you have to file a claim through state farm?
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How can you file an accident claim with State Farm insurance?

You can file an accident claim with State Farm in person at your State Farm agent's office, over the phone or online. Make sure that you have all of the pertinent information when you file your claim.

Is there a statute of limitations on a hospital income hospital claim at StateFarm Insurance?

According to State Farm's website, there is no statute of limitations on hospital claims. In most cases, State Farm pays any hospital claims that are due at the time of the accident.

Do all accidents raise your insurance with State Farm?

No, all accidents do not raise your insurance with State Farm. If the accident is determined by State Farm to not your fault, your premium will not be effected at all. If it is found by State Farm to be your fault, a few different things can happen. if the accident damage total to your vehicle and any other property is under $750.00, the accident is usually not chargable. If the damage is over $750, you can be given a forgiven accident or be surcharged. Whether or not there is an increase depends on the type of policy you have (ie: mutual, or standard), your past claim history, and the amount of the loss Example: If you caused $400 worth of damage to another vechicle and $800 to yours, with a $500 deductible, State Farm would have paid out only $700 making this incident not surchargable. Also, you might have the 10 year accident free discount with no forgiven accidents that means if you go 10 years no accidents you can have one and its forgiven , but not 2 and it can depend on cost of claim, small claims and compreshensive claims count less $750.

If both vehicles in an accident are insured by state farm who pays?

the person that is found responsible ( at fault ) for the accident

Will an insurance provider that offers cheap rates cancel your policy if you have to submit a claim?

Some insurance policies have no tolerance for accidents and may cancel your policy after your first claim. Others, like State Farm, will place you into a lower group with higher rates if you have an accident.

How much do state farm claim reps make?

Anywhere from $40,000-$90,000 in the state of Florida. I work there.

How do you file a claim for an accident that was caused by someone else?

If you know their insurance company contact them, and report the claim, with all information you have. If you do not have their company (and they will not give it to you), contact the dmv for your state and see if they carry those records (assuming you have the license plate). If you know the company and just not how to contact them etc, most (if not all) companys have web pages that will give you info, google ''filing claim with state farm'' for example.

If you are the driver of a friends car involved in an accident are you covered under your insurance or the owners insurance?

depends on the company and the details of the accident. most commonly the owner of the vehicles' insurance will pay the claim and then subrogate (recover money paid out) against the drivers insurance company. for example, let's say you have state farm and i have allstate. you are borrowing my car and get into an at fault accident that cause $10,000 in damages. allstate will go ahead and pay the $10,000 to the other party. once that is done allstate will basically send a bill to state farm for the $10,000 they paid out.

Does State Farm Insurance cover your pet if you are in an auto accident?

State farm does not cover your pet if you are in an at fault accident, however, if you are involved in an accident in which it is the other driver's fault, pets fall under property damage and their bills would be paid by the other driver's insurance company. On a side note, Progressive offers $1,000 for pets if you have a collision policy with them. As for State Farm, you'd be best off getting a Pet Insurance policy ( From a different company ) that would cover them for an accident no matter what type it is.

Who does one contact at State Farm Insurance to initiate personal injury claim?

Personal injury claims can be filed with any State Farm agent. They will be able to direct the claim where it should go and file it properly to allow it to be classified as a personal injury.

How long will car accident affect insurance rates in NJ?

it all depends on your past record, your ins company, and how severe the damage. state farm and a few others have accident forgiveness. low end companies will jack your rates if you report a claim against other drivers that hit you just because you are making them work.

How long does it take to get an auto claim check from state farm insurance?

i would not no still waiting it been almost 4 month i can got get a answer from state farm . how long dose a person wait