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Simple if it is a good auto company then your set and will be taken care of if it is a bad auto company they will burn a hole through your wallet simple short: they turn on you

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Q: How is my Auto insurance coverage affected after an accident?
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Related questions

Is full coverage auto insurance required for auto financing?

Yes, full coverage auto insurance is required for auto financing. This rule protects the bank if you have an accident.

What are your rights as a claimant in an auto accident?

That depends on the nature of the accident, types of insurance coverage you possess, and whether or not you are at fault.

Can your insurance company cancel auto coverage after you had an accident?

If you have an accident in the first 60 days of your policy,, Yes They can cancel your policy

If you got auto insurance coverage and were in an accident the same day what is the coverage for a claim?

Insurance is VERY specific when it comes to when coverage starts. If you had the accident BEFORE you got insurance any damage sustained before you purchased the policy damage would not be covered. If you had an accident after the purchase of the policy then any damages would be covered.

What is your responsibility to the loan holder when you have an auto accident?

The same as they were before the accident. You owe the balance of the note loaned you. If you had full coverage auto insurance then you will likely have no need for concern.

Will your full coverage auto insurance cover if an unlicensed driver got into an accident with your car but was not at fault?


Where can I get liability car insurance?

Liability coverage (often simply called "liability") protects you from damage you do to others or to property in an accident. Some level of auto liability insurance coverage is required in all 50 states - get info for your state's auto liability insurance coverage requirements here.

When you are in an auto accident with no insurance will the other persons insurance pay for their cars damages?

Their insurance policy will pay for their own car. However you must know it's against the law not to have insurance coverage for your auto.

What is liability coverage on auto insurance?

This means that if the accident was your fault, your insurance will pay(up to an amount that is on your policy) for the other property and persons involved in the accident. Liability insurance does NOT cover your vehicle damage.

Will full coverage car insurance cover electrical?

Physical Damage coverage on an auto policy covers all parts of the car that are damaged in a covered loss or covered accident. Maintenance issues are not covered on auto insurance.

What insurance is needed in case of a car collision?

Collision coverage, also known as auto collision insurance, is the part of your auto insurance that most always pays for damages to your vehicle in the case of an accident.

Does American Auto insurance cover traffic accidents?

"Yes, it does. Perhaps the chief purpose of purchasing American Auto insurance (or any automobile insurance) is to seek coverage in the event of a traffic accident."