Speed Racer was a Japanese manga and anime about car racing with 52 episodes. It ran from 1967-1968. However, the speed that the car went was never mentioned.
you, you are the speedracer! in the next generation! speeding like craaaaaazy. don't turn to fast! dont slide on oiiil sliiicckkss watch out for deer (or moose or geese) watch out for pedestrians crossing the street! you! you are the speedracer! of the next generationnnnn and that generation is now! DUN DUN DUN.
how fast does a pagini zonda go how fast does a pagini zonda go
As fast as you wont it to go
as fast as you can go
As fast as God wants it to go...
They go fast
as fast as you can make it go or if you get pulled along by a car on 1 you can go as fast as the car can go
how fast do a motovox mvx70 go
As fast as the specifications allow it to go.
it go pretty fast
how fast can a 250cc quad go