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This just sounds like your insurance company classification codes. These codes don't mean anything to you or anyone else except for the insurance carrier. Sometimes people get too iinvolved in what their code means and does this number or that letter make their insurance higher. Driver Class 51 could mean 25-64 year old married male drivers. Every driver on your insurance policy has a class cose. It's just ways of grouping certain individuals based on factors where they are similiar. They are nothing to worry about and nothing you can do anything about.

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Q: How does a driver class rating of 51 effect my rating on an auto insurance policy?
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If you are a listed driver on an insurance policy then your characteristics will be considered in the rating of the insurance policy. Under some circumstances a listed driver will have very little if any impact on the premium. In other cases a listed driver will impact the premium significantly. Many insurance companies require that all licensed drivers in a household be listed and proper premiums be paid or excluded, in writing, from coverage. If you decide to exclude a licensed operator then there would be no coverage for that person on the insurance policy. I personally know of a situation in which an excluded person was allowed to drive the car to church on Sunday. There was an accident and all coverage was denied by the insurance company.

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Rating an auto policy is extremely complicated and has become more and more so as the years have gone by. I remember a time we figured the rates by hand but this would be very difficult now. I represent some companies that have up to 45 rating classifications and many other factors that go into figuring the rates. I can use a comparative rating software and rate 15 companies for one policy in seconds now.

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No..but it will effect your current and future Insurance rates.

Are car insurance payments monthly?

It depends on the policy and your credit rating. Some insurance companies allow you to pay monthly, in advance, for your insurance. Many want 3 to 6 months in advance.

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The auto insurance is an example of the Merit rating insurance.

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A forum like this is not the way to estimate insurance premiums on any type of policy. There are far too many factors that go into rating an insurance policy no matter what type of policy it is. One of my auto insurance companies has 44 classification just for the driver of the vehicle on an auto policy. Address, zip codes, credit scores, fire protection classes, driving records, prior claims, etc. are just some of the factors that go into rating insurance policies. I recommend that you contact an independent insurance agent that you like and trust and let them shop with the insurance companies that they represent to find you the best rates for your particular situation. Independent Insurance Agents are not employees of an insurance company but represent many companies so they can do the shopping for you. Direct writer agents work for the insurance company and have no choices while the Independent Agents works for the client only. The main thing it to be truthful with them so they can find the best coverage and rates for you.

What is the average cost of motor insurance for a Honda CRr ES 2007?

A forum like this is not the way to estimate insurance premiums on any type of policy. There are far too many factors that go into rating an insurance policy no matter what type of policy it is. One of my auto insurance companies has 44 classification just for the driver of the vehicle on an auto policy. Address, zip codes, credit scores, fire protection classes, driving records, prior claims, etc. are just some of the factors that go into rating insurance policies. I recommend that you contact an independent insurance agent that you like and trust and let them shop with the insurance companies that they represent to find you the best rates for your particular situation. Independent Insurance Agents are not employees of an insurance company but represent many companies so they can do the shopping for you. Direct writer agents work for the insurance company and have no choices while the Independent Agents works for the client only. The main thing it to be truthful with them so they can find the best coverage and rates for you.

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A forum like this is not the way to estimate insurance premiums on any type of policy. There are far too many factors that go into rating an insurance policy no matter what type of policy it is. One of my auto insurance companies has 44 classification just for the driver of the vehicle on an auto policy. Address, zip codes, credit scores, fire protection classes, driving records, prior claims, etc. are just some of the factors that go into rating insurance policies. I recommend that you contact an independent insurance agent that you like and trust and let them shop with the insurance companies that they represent to find you the best rates for your particular situation. Independent Insurance Agents are not employees of an insurance company but represent many companies so they can do the shopping for you. Direct writer agents work for the insurance company and have no choices while the Independent Agents works for the client only. The main thing it to be truthful with them so they can find the best coverage and rates for you.

How much does auto insurance cost for a 16-year-old girl?

You cannot estimate premiums in a forum like this. There are far too many factors that go into rating insurance. Some of these are State, County, zip code, driver age, vehicle, use of vehicle, driver's record, coverage, and many more factors. One insurance company I represent has 44 classifications just for the driver. I recommend that you insure her on the family insurance policy. If the rate is not acceptable call independent insurance agents, find one you trust, and get them to figure rates for you. Independent Agents represent several insurance companies and can shop for the best rates and coverage for you.