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It depends on the policy and your credit rating. Some insurance companies allow you to pay monthly, in advance, for your insurance. Many want 3 to 6 months in advance.

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Q: Are car insurance payments monthly
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well for one thing you'd have to pay for gas. then there's insurance payments, monthly car payments, registration, maintanence, etc, etc

How much is the typical monthly insurance payment for a Ford Focus?

Like any insurance, payments depend on the type and cover of insurance, where you get it from, the age of the car and the car's added accessories. But for example, for a 2010 Ford Focus, the typical monthly payment is $125.

What is Car insurance paid in full?

Usually when your buying car insurance you have the option to make monthly payments, or pay in full -if you pay in full, you pay the full amount for the year. This way there are not payments to be made until 12 months later when you have to renew your insurance....

How can I pay for car insurance?

You can pay for car insurance by choosing a payment plan offered by the insurance company, such as monthly installments or a lump sum payment. You can also set up automatic payments through your bank account or credit card to ensure timely payments.

Can they legally repossess your car if all your monthly payments are up to date but you have made a few payments a day or a week late?

Read your CONTRACT. You have to be in DEFAULT of the contract for the lender to repo. If you are current on payments, what else can you be in default of?? INSURANCE coverage?

Can you get car insurance if you don't have a job?

most companys i would say yes, as long as you can pay the premium, and meet whatever other underwriting terms they have...

What are your monthly payments?

Monthy payments are payments you make every month, like a house payment, loan payment, water, electric, gas (for heating), phone, insurance if you pay monthly, etc.

What happens if you total your car and have gap insurance?

if your car is worth 10k and u own 20k and your car gets totaled, your car insurance will cover 10k for what your car is worth and cap will cover the rest. you wont get any money but you also wont have any monthly payments anymore.

How do I calculate my monthly car payments for it?

This is a very good website to calculate the monthly car payments: or

What does a car amortization calculator do?

A car amortization calculator lets you compare payment options, like bi-monthly, monthly, or bi-weekly payments. It could help you organize your payments and facilitate paying off your car.

In general, how are monthly car loan payments figured out?

Monthly car loan paymnts are calculated by adding the interest to the balance and diviing it into equal payments for a set time frame. You can find a car loan calcultor at

How can one figure out his or her monthly car insurance pay numbers?

You can figure out your monthly car insurance pay numbers by visiting your car insurance providers website. Once on the page, look for the FAQ in the support section.