You don't need to have insurance to collect on an insurance policy. Just call their claims department and they will get it started.
The only issue is that in some states, such as New York, insurance is mandatory in order to register an automobile and be able to drive it. If you are in such a state, and you file a claim for an accident in which you did not have insurance, you could well be charged for driving without insurance and you would probably lose your license.
why does someone always need to be at fault. its just an accident, get on with life and claim it on your own insurance, instead of trying to find someone to blame
If it was their fault, their insurance company will cover the damages of your vehicle. I would hope that the person at fault has filed the claim already but you need to make certain. I also hope that a police report was done at the time of the accident.
If you have no insurance you may get a ticket, but you will want a police report on the accident to claim their insurance, if they were at fault. so call the cops
You can always file a claim on their policy. If they do not cooperate with their insurance company, the company has to give them the state required days to respond before they make a ruling on fault.
If someone hits a parked car then they are automatically liable.
You can call his insurance company and file the claim. Just let them know one of their policyholders caused an accident. His insurance company will not pay unless they're aware of the claim.
Contact your insurance company imediately.
It's going to be very difficult to claim that it's not the fault of the person who was breaking the law by driving illegally.
If you know who the company and/or agent is, you can submit a claim to them as a claimant against the other person's insurance.
In most cases it would not go up. However, some insurance companies give a discount for having no claims and in that case any claim at all would make you loose the discount.
His liability insurance on his car should transfer to the vehicle that he is driving.