I owned a Porsche 944 Turbo, had a large hole in the top of the radiator. Look into a product called Waterweld, sold at local hardware stores, automotive, etc. I drove the car on 500 mile trips, no problems
broken thermostat; blocked hose to radiator or hole in hose; leak in radiator; etc..
Your car will leak anti-freeze/coolant. If you run out of fluid in your radiator then your car will overheat in a short period and cause much more damage. Fix your radiator!
Call in the pros. I'd take it to a radiator shop.
Take it to a radiator shop or purchase a new one. I agree, and will go even farther. I would replace the radiator unless there was considerable savings in repairing it. The repair is only as good as the person doing it.
a hole in the radiator
The parts that are needed to fix a car radiator depends on what is wrong with the radiator. It would be best to have the radiator fixed by a professional.
The first step that you can take to fix a radiator is to see if it needs to be bled. To bleed a radiator you will need a radiator bleed key. Unscrew the valve at the side of the radiator and when the first drop of water comes out, close the valve again. If this does not fix the radiator you will need to call in a plumber.
There may be a hole in the radiator?
Usually a radiator is made of metal. Plastic can not take the pressure. A hole can be fixed by welding. A radiator shop can tell you for sure.
One potential solution is to use a product like a radiator sealant or stop leak solution. It can be added to the radiator to help seal the pinhole leak temporarily. However, it is important to note that this is not a permanent fix and the radiator may eventually need to be replaced or professionally repaired.