Your car will leak anti-freeze/coolant. If you run out of fluid in your radiator then your car will overheat in a short period and cause much more damage. Fix your radiator!
a hole in the radiator
There may be a hole in the radiator?
Usually a radiator is made of metal. Plastic can not take the pressure. A hole can be fixed by welding. A radiator shop can tell you for sure.
you have a hole somewhere or replaces your radiator
because it has a hole. or your radiator drain is loose
It's in the radiator drain plug hole.
It has a hole in it.
You replace the radiator
The weep hole is next to the thermostat housing, which is where the lower radiator hose hooks to the engine.The weep hole is next to the thermostat housing, which is where the lower radiator hose hooks to the engine.
yes its called your bum hole
the radiator will spew hot water on you