Squirt a very small amount (less than a tea spoon) directly in the carb, then try and start.
where is the primer on a murray 625 ex series
If you are talking about the bulb button it is a primer to get gas to the carburetor if the mower has not run for awhile. Usually not needed to restart a warm mower.
Fuel tank cap vent is plugged.
A gas lawn mower is a lawn mower which is powered by gasoline.
Bypass the switch with a jumper & see if you can bump it with a hot wire.
depends on the engine Briggs or tech, does it have a primer bulb. but safe bet right next to the carb.
The primer button on a Troy Built 650 self-propelled lawn mower is a black round ball. It is located on the right side of the mower just below the black rectangular fuel tank.
form_title= Electric Lawn Mower form_header= Save time with an electric lawn mower. What is the square footage of your lawn?*= _ [50] What is your budget on a lawn mower?*= _ [50] Do you want any special feature with the lawn mower?*= () Yes () No If so, what?*= _ [50]
form_title= Honda Lawn Mower form_header= Mow your lawn easily with a Honda lawn mower. What is the square footage of your lawn?*= _ [50] Do you need to repair an existing lawn mower?*= () Yes () No Do you want a push or riding mower?*= () Push () Riding
No for your lawn mower you will just need regular lawn mower oil.
To Mow your Lawn , Obviously that's why its called a lawn mower In other words if you don't have grass then there is no need for a lawn mower!
You should never by pass any safety sensors on your lawn mower. BUT :for testing your brake sensor you can try taking the wires off the switch that is hooked ether at the back of the peddle or on the linkage and join them together .That should bypass it until you get a new switch.