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Q: How do you apply for a subsidised vehicle?
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What is the national airlines of South Africa?

There a are number of active airlines. Some are private and some are owned and subsidised by the South African state or owned as subsidiaries of entities which are owned by the state. South African Airways (state subsidised and the most dominant) SA Airlink (state subsidised) SA Express (state subsidised) Mango (state subsidised) 1Time Airlines Comair Kulula BA (British Airways South African franchise) Velvet Sky

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It's high time the malays free themselves from being subsidised?

When can one apply for a Carfax vehicle report?

You can apply for a carfax vehicle report before making a purchase of a used vehicle. Any car dealership must have or produce a carfax report if and when asked by a consumer.

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what happens to a vehicle in a collision and the principles that apply

Is health care freely subsidised in America?

no. taxpayers pay for it.

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Why countries insist on elimination of susidies?

Subsidies (often given by the state) make for unfair competition in the global marketplace for those businesses that are not subsidised. It allows the subsidised business to sell at an artificial price.

Does Zimbabwe have a free education?

No people pay for education though it is subsidised.

In what type of vehicle does the open container law NOT apply?


Can you return a demo vehicle that has a FULL warranty?

If you bought the vehicle you cannot return it period. The Buyers Remorse law does not apply to the purchase of a vehicle.

Does the 3 day right of rescission apply to purchasing new cars in Texas?

That type law does not apply to the purchase of a vehicle in any state. It is only a myth that it does. When you buy a vehicle you cannot return it.

If the brakes fail on your vehicle the parking breaks may be used to help stop the vehicle as well?

Yes, the parking brakes can be used to stop the vehicle in emergency. But remember that, in most of the vehicles parking brakes apply only to one pair of wheels, so if the vehicle is in high speed, one has to apply them carefully and save the vehicle from skidding.