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There are companies that write vacany and renovation or "course of construction policies. If your previous carrier is footing the bill for the repairs, they should continue on the policy until the home is completed. If not as them for a builder's risk endorsement or separate policy. Either way they should direct you.

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Q: How can you get homeowners insurance to cover a house damaged by fire now vacant and coverage while it is being renovated?
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No, You'll have to seek coverage for the Car under you Auto Insurance Policy. Now if the garage door was damaged then your Homeowners policy may fix it if it is below your deductible.

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A homeowners insurance policy includes up to 10% of coverage C (Personal Property) while off premises. A fire that occurred while on vacation would certainly be covered under this type of coverage. Another incident is a resident child while staying in a dorm at college would also have coverage for personal property while the property was stolen or damaged by fire or windstorm or such at the college dorm.

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The best source of information would be your insurance agent or other Insurance Company Representative. Most Homeowners insurance policies have coverage available for storm damaged roofs.

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No, Homeowners insurance does not cover vehicles, That's what Auto Insurance is for.. It does not matter where the vehicle was parked.If a tree falls on your car or your car is struck by lightning, hail damaged or whatever, makes no difference. When you purchase your auto Insurance you have the option to buy liability or full coverage. Any damage to your vehicle would have to be filed against your auto insurance policy.AnswerShould be. Same thing if a tree fall on it. no coverage from your home policy.

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Yes, you are correct. Items in your vehicle that are damaged in an accident or fire or whatever are not covered by you auto insurance unless they are part of your vehicle. The alternative is that they are covered on your homeowners insurance. The downfall to this is that you will have a deductible on your homeowners insurance that you will have to meet first.

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I have a mobile home and the furnace caught on fire and is now damaged does my homeowners insurance cover this as a replacement

Will homeowners insurance cover a damaged wind turbine on your property?

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