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Car loans can be obtained in many ways. Many dealerships have special loan companies they work with to provide loans to buyers, and banks also offer loans to their customers.

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Q: How can someone obtain a car loan?
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Where can one obtain an auto car loan?

One can obtain an auto car loan in a couple of different ways. One way that one can obtain an auto car loan is by visiting a bank, such as Bank of America, and applying for one. Auto car loans can also be obtain by applying for them in places other than banks.

What is the minimum age to obtain a car loan in California?

You must be 18 to sign a legal contract, i.e., to obtain a loan.

Can a 17 year-old obtain a loan for a car?

Yes, a 17-year-old can obtain a car loan with a co-signer who is of legal age and has good credit.

Where can one obtain a car loan after having claimed bankruptcy?

You can obtain a car loan after having claimed bankruptcy by applying online at the Cars Direct website. Cars Direct is well known for helping people with poor credit obtain an auto loan.

How does one obtain finance when buying a new car?

To obtain finance when buying a new car you can go to a bank and take out a personal loan or a car loan. Your local bank will be able to help you get financing.

How do you get out of a used car loan?

To get out of a used car loan, pay off the loan or find someone else who will do that.

How can one obtain a cash loan if they have bad credit?

You can obtain what they call a "Payday Loan" if you have bad credit. Just take along the title to your car and it will be used as collateral for your cash loan. Of course if you don't pay back the cash loan they get to keep your car.

How do you put your car loan in someone else's name?

You just can't place your loan in someone else's name. That other person has to get his/her own loan for the car and pay off your loan.

How can someone obtain a loan from the website Christiannet?

One can obtain a loan from the website Christianet by inputting one's personal information. In addition, one would have to have a good credit to receive a loan.

Can a bank use my vehicle as collateral for someone else's loan?

The bank MAY be pursuaded to consider it if the car has enough value. However, you should be asking yourself why you would place your car at risk for someone who cannot otherwise obtain a loan. Can you afford the risk of losing your car. You would need to sign your car over to the bank. If the borrower defaulted the bank would take your car.

How good does your credit need to be for a car loan?

Nothing is published on what credit score you must have to obtain a car loan. There is information about having a high score means getting a better rate on your car loan.

Where can one obtain a money loan for a car?

One can obtain a money loan for a car through a local bank or credit union that one may do business with. If one is purchasing a new vehicle, many times the car dealership will also offer a money loan for a vehicle purchased at their business.