You can obtain a car loan after having claimed bankruptcy by applying online at the Cars Direct website. Cars Direct is well known for helping people with poor credit obtain an auto loan.
To obtain a bankruptcy home loan one could make an appointment with their local bank to talk to an advisor. One could also make an appointment with a bankruptcy lawyer.
Virtually impossible.
Bankruptcy is not claimed on individual loans, a bankruptcy involves all your debt. The fact that you are current on your car loan may make it easier for you to negotiate with the lender for the continued ability to pay for your car but it doesn't mean that you get to have it for free. The same is true of a home loan.
Quicken Loans has an excellent section on how to obtain a loan or mortgage after filing bankruptcy. Most debt consolidation centers and bankruptcy attorneys will have information or references for those seeking information on applying for a post-bankruptcy loan or mortgage.
Absolutely, there are many programs available to assist existing home owners as well as home buyers with financing home loans after bankruptcy and foreclosure. To obtain a home loan while currently in a chapter 13 bankruptcy it is very important to establish a good payment history. The company that will approve you for a home loan will need to have your payment history. They will also contact the trustee of your chapter 13 bankruptcy to receive permission or an ok to proceed with your home loan. To obtain a home loan after chapter 13 bankruptcy you will need to provide the following to your loan officer. Original schedules of your bankruptcy Discharge documents of your bankruptcy Proof that you have a satisfied discharge Proof that you have established new credit To obtain a home loan after a foreclosure. Maintained or established new credit Applying for an FHA Home Loan there is a waiting period of three years after the foreclosure proceedings have been completed. For Conventional Home Loans you will need to wait five years. Frank Thomas Sr. Loan Consultant 480-621-4270
If you file bankruptcy, you file bankruptcy on everything. You can not file bankruptcy on one loan.
A personal bankruptcy can remain on your credit history for up to 10 years, which can make it difficult to get a business loan; however, if your business credit is established as a completely separate entity from your personal credit, you may increase your likelihood of getting a business loan.
A "reaffirmed loan" is a loan that the claimant in a bankruptcy has left out of the bankruptcy and is "reaffirming" that they will still pay the loan as usual.
A good way to find out about obtaining a home loan with a history of bankruptcy would be to speak to a financial advisor at your local bank. They would have the best mortgage ideas for you.
No, unless the co-signer was also part of the bankruptcy process. If not, then no the co-signer would have to be responsible for this debt. Wanda Improve Credit, LLC
To receive a FHA loan after one has declared bankruptcy one has to meet the following minimum requirements: payment on the bankruptcy for at least one year, court approval to enter into the mortgage transaction, and a minimum of two years waiting period from the date of discharge before he or she can apply for the loan.
You can take a small business loan, but you will have to repay it or face bankruptcy and having your assets seized. Instead you can pursue a grant, which you do not have to repay.