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The ticket probably wasn't for no insurance, it was for no proof of insurance.

Depending on your state, you should be able to just go to the county clerk (or just attend the court date on your ticket) show the judge proof of insurance.

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Q: Got a no insurance ticket in friends car but i have insurance will that cover me?
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You cause a car accident and got a ticket from the police will insurance cover you?

Yes, that's why we buy insurance, however, the insurance co. is not resposible for paying traffic tickets, it is your resposibility.

Your son was driving his friends car with permission and got into an accident - does he have to pay top fix the car himself or does insurance cover this.?

That depends on the insurance that you and the friend have. Your insurance may cover your son in any vehicle. Same as with the friends insurance covering any driver. You just have to call and ask.

I got a ticket for having no proof of insurance if i go to court with insurance will my ticket get droped?

The ticket will only get dropped if you have proof that you HAD insurance at the time of the ticket had been issued. You may get the ticket fine lowered with proof that you now have the required insurance.

No proof of insurance fine Arkansas?

300.00 I got a ticket for this. I got insurance the day after getting the ticket. The judge gave me credit off the ticket for getting proof of insurance and then they added court cost . In total it cost me 215 bucks plus the cost of insurance.

Do you have to tell your car insurance company you got a ticket?

No use

Does a passenger open container affect insurance rates?

It depends on who got the ticket. If the ticket was issued to the driver it will effect his insurance but if it was issued to the passenger then it will only effect his insurance.

You got a ticket in PA going 85 in a 55 how much will your insurance go up?

The increase in insurance for any ticket is dependent upon the insurance company and the driver. Some insurance policies will not go up in the event of one ticket.

Will the other persons insurance pay if you got a ticket?

You will need to pay the ticket that your receive, it is never anyone's responsibility to pay for your infractions. If you are wondering who is at fault, the person who got a ticket may or may not be. It is the insurance company that determines fault and not the police officer that wrote the ticket.

What should you do if you left your insurance card at home and got a ticket for no proof of insurance?

go to traffic court and take your proof of insurance with you. this will prove to the judge that you have insurance and they will usually remove that part of the ticket.

If your 16 year old got a speeding ticket will parents insurance be affected in Michigan?

If your 16 year old got a speeding ticket the parent's insurance be definitely be affected in Michigan. The insurance bill will increase in money owed.

In Tennessee a girl got a speeding ticket in her mom's car and cannot find her mom's insurance card so also got a ticket for no insurance can she use her mom's insurance to eliminate that charge?

She can if she listed as an additional driver on the policy or the insurance policy allows for a permissive user.

Will a no seat belt ticket raise your insurance rates if you got the ticket in MA and you live in NH?

Yes it will. Regardless of what state you get ticketed, your insurance company will catch wind of it.