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$15,000, $30,000, $5,000

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Q: Financial responsibility of California law the minimum amount of insurance coverage drivers must carry is?
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What is California vehicle registration financial responsibility program?

The registration financial responsibility program requires that vehicles have proof of insurance(the financial responsibility) at all time. If you have a lapse in this coverage the insurance company can report you to the DMV in which case they suspend your registration.

How does insurance SR22 work with your auto insurance?

As dualistic insurance coverage is not permitted by the DMV, you must first consult your existing insurer when buying SR22 insurance. SR22 insurance serves as proof to the state that your are taking financial responsibility for your vehicle.

Proof of financial responsibility must be obtained by who?

Proof of financial responsibility may be asked in conjunction with: Borrowing money, Sponsoring an immigrant into the United States, Renting a house or apartment, Applying for a driver's license, Admission to a College. Generally, it is called "Proof of Responsibility" which includes the person's personal finances and any insurance they may have obtained as coverage for financial matters.

Does homeowner's insurance cover ponzi scheme?

No, Homeowners Insurance is Property Coverage, not financial or Investment Insurance.

Can sr22 insurance be transfered to another vehicle?

An SR22 is a Financial Responsibility Filing with your DMV. Not an Insurance policy in itself. By contacting your Insurance Agent, they should be able to add the vehicle or replace the existing vehicle depending on your needs. There just cannot be a lapse in coverage.

When a teen turns 18 what are my financial resposibilities for driving in California?

Responsibilities for 18 yr old drivers is that they have insurance (liability or full coverage) and that they have current registration and tags

What is forced placed Insurance?

Forced Placed insurance is the coverage obtained by your Lienholder when you fail to comply with the insurance required by your agreed finance note. Forced Placed coverage will not provide you with liability insurance that meets your states Financial Responsibility requirements, it only insures the lienholders interest. The terms of your finance contract will describe the required coverage. Failure to comply with the terms of your finance contract results in the lienholder obtaining it to protect their interest in the financed property.

What if you are driving someones car that doesnt have insurance and you get in an accident but you did not know they did not have insurance?

Usually, it is the responsibility of the owner. However, if you have insurance on your vehicle, they will step in as secondary coverage...including covering the damage to the vehicle you were driving, if you have the coverage.

Does Symetra Financial prescription coverage cover Chantix?

Ask your insurance carrier.

Does the dealer you buy the car from have some type of insurance coverage?

When you test drive it, yes. Once you commit to buy it, insurance is your responsibility.

What is California's policy on car insurance for disabled drivers?

California laws dictates that people with disabilities cannot be denied car insurance coverage. Each individual will have to be assessed and the risks factors written into the car policy as the insurance company must do, but you can get coverage with insurance companies if you are disabled.

Which states do not require liability coverage for auto insurance?

All states either require insurance or proof of financial responsiblity.