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secondary to the policy insuring the vehicle you drove with permission....barring any exclusions on your parents policy ....

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Q: Does your parent's insurance cover you if you get in an accident when driving a friend's car?
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Could the parents of an 18 year old be sued if their daughter was in an accident driving the parents car on the parents insurance policy?

No i dont think because she was the one driving the car, i didnt mtter who it belonged to.

If you drive your parents car but you don't live with them and you get in an accident will their insurance cover you?

Sometimes. Sometimes insurance covers whoever is driving a particular car, and sometimes insurance covers a driver no matter whose car they are driving (as long as they have the car owner's permission). You should probably check with your insurance company to be sure, or have your parents call and ask them.

Do you have auto insurance if you are on someone else's insurance policy?

Answer If you have Auto Insurance and it's on your parents Insurance Plan then yes you have Insurance, but if you are on a friends Insurance Plan, I don't think you'd be covered in an accident unless that person is your girlfriend, boyfriend.

Is a learner permit driver covered under his parents insurance if he is driving alone and gets in an accident?

No. He will get a ticket. His parents will have to pay all the expenses related to the accident. The parent's insurance probably won't pay anything unless it is covered under uninsured motorists section. I don't know about that.

Do you have to live with your parents in order to use their insurance coverage in an accident i had an accident with rental car my parents insurance would cover?

You don't have to live there as long as you are listed on the policy.

What happens to you when you're driving your parents' car and you're involved in an accident and it's your fault and you're not under your parents' insurance?

The insurer (either your mother/father or both) are responsible for all costs.

In an accident who is liable the 18 yr old driver or the parents who own the car and insurance policy?

parents if the insurance is under their names

What if you are a licensed minor driving your parents uninsured car and get into an accident where you were at fault should the judgment be placed on the minor or the parents?

You should get in trouble because you caused the accident.

If you are driving with only a permit and a licensed driver is in the car next to you but the car is under your parent's insurance policy will an accident be covered by your parents insurance policy?

Yes, unless you are listed as an excluded driver. To be sure in the future have your parents add you to their policy. Provided you are 18 or younger, most companies will not charge you to be on your parents policy with just a permit.

If a person is driving their parents car under their parents' insurance and lets a friend borrow the car if the friend gets a ticket will the ticket affect the parents' or friend's insurance?

I believe the Parents insurance go up!

Your sister got into an accident with your car and you don't have insurance she is listed under the parents insurance who pays?

Parent's policy pays

What happens if I get in an accident and only have your permit?

If you are in your parents vehicle and you are on their auto insurance policy, you would be covered.